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Iris & Cameron ^^

"I don't want to do this." Kendall griped.

"You can put this off another night, Toby won't allow it." Cameron chided. "It's not as bad as you think."

"It's been 4 days Kenny, if you make Zaid push this off any longer they're gonna kill him - and you." Chance sighed.

"They wouldn't." Kendal sounded shocked.

"Clans have been known for killing their own who don't conform to the rules." Nicky added nonchalantly.

Kendall let out a long groan, "Fuck." He strung out the word.

"What're you so afraid of?" Cameron quipped, "it's not like he's gonna put you in the mendigo again."

"I just... Zaid's been, like, kind of sweet and gentle and I like it. Mating as wolves is raw and primal. I don't want it to be like that."

"Honey, get you a man who can do both." Nicky swooned, "you'll be happy later, trust me." He gave a wink.

"First of all, ew." Kendall scrunched up his nose.

"TMI boys." Cam groaned.

"It really isn't as bad as you're making it out in your head." Chance lemented, "Yeah it's primal but also being knotted is really intense and solidifies your bond."

Kendall hid his face in his hands with a groan. "It's now or never pumpkin." Nicky winked again.

"I think you two are nymphos." Cameron grumbled under his breath.

The two blondes cocked their head in unison, "What's that?"

Cameron shook his head but didn't answer. He was radiating nervousness and Kendall could all but smell it. "What's wrong with you?" He whispered, speaking only to Cameron as the twins bickered about what they thought 'nympho' meant.

Cameron shook his head again. "Nothing I just... I don't have a good feeling about going to Wyoming."

Kendall furrowed his brow. "Why? The triplets will be there. Zaid says we're gonna be super safe."

"Yeah, Iris said that too. I just ... have a bad feeling about it."

"Well if it makes you feel any better I have a horrible feeling about tonight but I'm gonna do it anyway." Kendall tried to console him. Cameron snorted but didn't respond.

Night fell upon the cave as Kendall cautiously walked up the torch lit tunnel to the arena. Iris was behind him, making sure he didn't try to tuck tail and run. He resisted that ever present urge. He wasn't a rogue anymore, he couldn't run away from his problems.

As they got closer to the light of the arena Kendall heard loud chants as he had every time he was forced into this dirt pit. Apparently clan wolves were big into voyeurism.

Kendall's breath picked up as he saw Zaid, standing in the middle of the arena. His mate was standing tall, broad shoulders casting a shadow in front of him, shaggy hair falling slightly into his eyes. What really got Kendall's attention - he was buck ass naked. Zaid caught sight of him and curled his finger in a 'come' motion.

Kendall slunk over to his mate with a gulp. He flinched when Zaid laid his large hand on Kendalls cheek. A small frown crossed his features for only a second before he spoke, "Shift."

Kendall obeyed, startling at the sound of the drums beginning to beat. Zaid shifted after him. He was taller than Kendall by 6 or 7 inches, even in wolf form. He lowered his head to nuzzle along Kendall's face and neck. His slate grey color shimmered in the moonlight as it rose over the roofless arena, giving him a silver sparkle.

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