Chapter 32 Max's Disease

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I’ve spent enough time watching and listening to Max and those who know him to know he thought he had a disease—wanting to fuck men. But his disease was that he thought he had a disease. Arianna’s tang was no cure for him. The only cure for him would have been coming clean about what ailed him, and that wouldn’t have cured him of his desire for men. If Arianna were up to it, their relationship might even have survived coming clean. He liked her. He may even have loved her. He loved her pussy, Mlle Ampère. He heralded it, saluted it, toasted it, stuffed it, drank from it in noisy gulps, fed it fresh fruit and vegetables, ate brownies from it, and wrote bad poetry to it. And the doing so did exactly nothing to slake his hunger for cock and all the other parts of a man’s body. There’s the rub.

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