Evil As Evil Does

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Ava's POV

  "Dinner's ready!"

My eyes snapped open from where I had drifted off sitting by one of the windows upstairs. Lately, all I could do was sleep. Three weeks here and my time was consistently filled with nothing but being held up in this vast house.

I walked downstairs to the dining room where Val was putting food on the table. Human food. It was mostly for her and Jessamine's benefit. Everyone else in the house was too vampire to care. Though lately, I myself had been disgusted by blood and had focused more on regular food.

"What are we having tonight?" I asked her, standing behind my chair.

"Pot roast," Val said. "The way mom used to make it."

"Mom cooked? I must not have been born yet."

Jessamine walked in, nose furled. "Ugh, what is that smell?"

"It's pot roast," Val told her.

"God, I wish I could be a vegetarian," Jessamine mumbled before taking her seat.

"That would be rather boring," Daniel said, walking into the room. "How would you consume blood?"

"I wouldn't," Jessamine insisted. "I don't like doing it anyway. I only ever do it to please you."

Val and I looked at each other. Jessamine seemed to be the only daughter capable of talking back to her—our—father. She reminded me of myself at that age. Defiant, annoyed, acted like she knew everything. Well, right before my mom left, that is.

"Smells delicious, Valerie," Daniel said, smiling at Val.

She nodded. "Let's hope it tastes just as good."

We all sat at the table, Daniels cronies excluded. Just him and his daughters. Two who he abandoned, one who he raised. A stubborn teenage Half-Blood, a pleasant Hunter, and a pregnant Unnatural. I could only imagine the title of this movie.

We all sat down, Daniel insisting to say a short blessing before we ate.

"Dear Lord, we thank you for bringing us here together—a family. Never did I imagine a moment like this—my three daughters together. I pray that you keep them safe. I pray that you help remind them what to fight for. The family we fight for. Watch over them and continue to bless them. Amen."

"Amen," the rest of us muttered.

Never in my life did I remember saying the prayer before dinner. Not at my house at least. When I went over to Liv's, yes. After meeting Daniel, knowing all the horrible things he'd done, I didn't think he'd be religious at all. But before every meal, he prayed.

Daniel cut into his slice of roast, taking a bite. "Mm," he said. "Yes, it is good. Quite familiar too."

"Should be," Val said, cutting her own piece. "Mom used to make it."

A chill entered the room having nothing to do with the thermostat. It could be cut with a knife, prying out everything and leaving the awkwardness behind.

"Either way," Daniel said. "It's delicious."

I grabbed my own piece, starving.

Jessamine, however, curled up her nose as she grabbed a piece and sliced off tiny slivers before moving it around her plate.

"Eat it, Jessamine," Daniel told her. "Be respectful. Your sister worked hard on this meal."

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