ESKILD: [grins wickedly] I thought you'd never ask.

EVEN: [laughing] I knew you were kinky.

ISAK: Will you two stop flirting for five minutes? Eskild, do you have your phone?

ESKILD: [scoffs] Of course. It's permanently attached.

ISAK: Good. Take a photo of Even.

ESKILD: [frowns] Of you and Even?

ISAK: [rolls his eyes, huffing] No, of Even. Just Even.

ESKILD: [wrinkles his nose, pointing] Like...that?

EVEN: Hey!

ESKILD: Sorry, sweets, need a hose down.

EVEN: [looks at Isak] THANK you! I've been trying to tell him.

ISAK: Eskild, just take the goddamned picture.

ESKILD: Geez! Fine, grumpy mcgrumperson. [Fishes his phone out and points the camera at Even] Say østebrød.

Even's face is expressionless when Eskild snaps a few pics.

ESKILD: Okay, now what?

ISAK: Look at them.

ESKILD: [frowning] Look at the pics?

ISAK: Yeah.

Eskild does and his eyes go wide.

ESKILD: Hmm...

ISAK: [eyes narrowing] What?

ESKILD: You don't look half bad in these, Even.


Eskild jumps.
Even coughs.

ISAK: [peers over Eskild's shoulder] I told you.

EVEN: Not half-bad doesn't mean runway-ready, Isak. I'm telling you, you're in lurve.

ISAK: Shut it. Eskild, tell him he is incapable of taking a bad photo.

ESKILD: Is that what this is all about? [still looking at his phone] I have to say, young Isak has a point.

ISAK: See?

Even sneezes, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. It is thoroughly disgusting.

Eskild snaps a few more pics.

ESKILD: Well, I'll be... You know the true test?

ISAK: What?

ESKILD: Grindr.

EVEN: What?!

ESKILD: [grins while fiddling with his phone] I'll just replace my photo with yours, and....there. Done. We'll see how long it takes for [ping!] Okay, not long.

Hey, sexy, I love your hair. Can't wait to see it on my pillow.

ISAK: [peering over Eskild's shoulder] Do those lines really work?

EVEN: What lines? Did you really...?


ESKILD: Oh! Another one.

You are fuck hot. Wanna meet up for some fun?

ESKILD: Well, I think you've won this one, Isak.


ESKILD: [to Even] Jesus. Is this what it's like to be you? So unfair. I don't get this kind of response, and I'm a redhead. And I shower regularly!

ISAK: See? My point exactly.

ESKILD: I think I hate you now. [makes a dramatic exit]

EVEN: [coughing] You're both delusional. Anyone can look good on a cameraphone.

ISAK: [sits on the edge of the bed] It's not just that,'re really...[sighs]

EVEN: What's wrong?

ISAK: I never had confidence issues until I met you. It's hard dating an actual supermodel.

EVEN: [laughs softly] Baby, I love that you like what you see when you look at me. It's mutual, you have to know that by now.

ISAK: Yeah...I guess.

EVEN: Fuck...I don't feel so great. I need to lie down for a while.

ISAK: [getting up] Sure. [tucks Even in] Need anything? Tea?

EVEN: Nah, just some sleep.

ISAK: Okay, I'll be in the other room.

EVEN: [already dozing] Okay...thanks..

Isak stands in the doorway and watches Even sleep. His hair is a riot on the pillow, his nose is red and swollen, and his mouth looks beestung. He doesn't look bad, but he certainly doesn't look great. Isak can't resist. He snaps a photo.

Even looks like a slumbering angel.

ISAK: [whispering to himself] Goddamnit, so unfair. 

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