SANA: [smug look on her face] You can thank me anytime, by the way.

ISAK: [turns to her, confused] Thank you? For...?

SANA: Who Narcosed you into joining the revue group? Or did you know your honey before that?

ISAK: [smiles, realization dawning] Wow, you are so right, Sana. I should thank you, so...thank you.

SANA: [pleased with herself] You're welcome. Even can thank me later.

ISAK: I'll be sure he does.

SANA: [going back to Isak's notebook] Although, the way he used to stare at you, it really didn't take much to convince him to join up once he realized you'd be there.

ISAK: [head snaps up] What?

SANA: [sly grin] Oh, didn't you know?

ISAK: [shifts in his seat to face her] What are you talking about? He used to stare at me? Where? When? You saw it?

SANA: [nods] I did. He thought he was being subtle, but I don't miss much. I mean, even before Kosegruppa, he'd always be sitting across from you in the cantina, or watching you in the yard. I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner.

ISAK: [floored] I never noticed at all.

SANA: [laughs] Are you serious? Geez, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You used to look at him too, so I thought you knew and were just avoiding him.

ISAK: I... [his mouth hangs open for a bit before he shuts it]

SANA: And then you were hanging out with that girl from first year, what's her name?

ISAK: Emma.

SANA: [growls] Emma.

ISAK: [chuckles] Not a fan?

SANA: She's the one that went around telling people you were in the closet.

ISAK: [takes a deep breath, nods] I know.

SANA: [incensed] Aren't you pissed? Why aren't you pissed?

ISAK: [shrugs one shoulder] I...uh...I mean I wasn't the nicest guy where Emma was concerned.

SANA: [stops fuming long enough to think] She was your cover girl.

ISAK: [nods] Something like that. I mean, we weren't really together, but...I did lead her on.

SANA: Okay, that's shitty.

ISAK: I apologized.

SANA: Good boy. [nods] Did she?

ISAK: [confused] Did she what?

SANA: [levels him with an incredulous stare] Did she apologize? For outing you?

ISAK: [looks away] No,'s okay. She was pissed.

SANA: [angry again] No fucking way, Isak. There are no excuses for what she did.

ISAK: [surprised by Sana's reaction] It's okay. I'm okay.

SANA: It's not okay. I'm glad you're good, and that no real harm was done, but it's not cool. It's not cool at all. She had no right.

ISAK: [smiles softly] Thank you.

SANA: [frowning] For what?

ISAK: For being a good friend. [he squeezes her shoulder] I'm okay. She's just a kid, she'll learn.

SANA: [huffs, rolling her eyes]

ISAK: [squeezes her shoulder again] Hey.

SANA: What?

ISAK: Thanks for...caring. And for blackmailing me.

SANA: [fighting a smile] Yeah, well, I find it useful to keep you focused on our work. Can't have you sulking through our projects.

ISAK: Can't have that. [they go back to reading] Uh, Sana?

SANA: Hmm?

ISAK: Let's hang out sometime. [glances up and catches her eye] You wanna?

SANA: [smiles] Yeah, that would be cool. Especially if Even is there.

ISAK: [brows raised] Oh?

SANA: Hell yeah. Have you seen him? [she winks]

ISAK: [laughing] Look, but don't touch.

SANA: He said I was pretty, you know.

ISAK: He's such a flirt. [grinning] He's right, though.

SANA: Of course he is. The man has eyes, doesn't he?

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