Chapter 7 - Missing

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A/N - **TRIGGER WARNING** - rape

*El's POV*

They had just gone on stage. I was watching from the side and could see that the crowd was wild! I couldn't help but sing along to all of the songs, they were amazing live. Andy glanced at me a couple of times and grinned but otherwise he kept his focus on the performance, doing what he does best.

When they finally came off stage I ran over to him and went to give him a hug.

"You don't wanna do that I'm disgusting!" he backed away with his hands in the air.

"I don’t care," I replied and jumped into his arms. His makeup was running down his face with the streams of sweat and his arms were covered in a film of perspiration. I found it extremely attractive for whatever reason. I looked into his eyes and wiped away the remains of the line he always drew across his face. He then kissed me and I kissed back. I drew away and saw Hannah glaring at me so naturally I just kissed Andy again, this time harder. He was taken aback but went with it anyway. After a while he let me down and went to shower and get changed.

I looked over at Hannah she seemed really sad now, no longer angry like she was a few seconds ago. Oh what on earth was this girl like?

"What's up now?" I asked, slightly frustrated at her antics.

"You saw me looking so you just kissed him again," she sounded really upset.

"I'm just making my point clear Hannah," I was trying not to raise my voice.

"I'm just trying to stop your heart from getting broken again. It's for your own good!"

“Oh so that's what it's all about; why didn't you just say that to start off with? I would've understood then!"

"I thought you knew that’s why I was saying that," she trailed off.

"Well now I understand but I'm still gonna do what I do, you know that don't you? I get that you're trying to help me but I've always been like this and I doubt I'll change now."

"Yeah I get that, I just wanted you to know." With that she smiled faintly and walked off, presumably back to the bus.

*Andy's POV*

I came out of the shower on the bus and saw everyone sitting around in the main section. But they all seemed worried.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Hannah's gone," El replied, looking up into my eyes with a scared expression.

"Shit! For how long?"

"She left after talking to me after the show. She never came to the bus. ANDY SHE DOESN'T KNOW THIS PLACE, IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND SHE ISN'T EVEN AMERICAN. SHE COULD BE ANYWHERE!" At that she burst into tears, "I know I fell out with her but she's still my best friend she means everything to me."

I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair trying to calm her down.

"She'll be okay, don't worry babe."

"You don't know that! She could've been kidnapped or raped or something," she sobbed into my chest.

"Now don't go thinking like that," I replied sternly. "We've got to think positively. Now should we go out and look for her?"

"I think that's a grand idea," Ashley stated from the sofa. I glared at him, now is not the time for your attitude Ash.

We spent over two hours looking for her but didn't even find a trace.

"We should call the police," I said I to the night.

"Already at it," Jake replied nodding towards Jinxx who was dialling into his phone.

"Hi yeah, we've lost our friend. No, she hasn't been drinking. We last saw her about two and a half hours ago. We've looked around the local area, yes. No we haven't found any sign. My name's Jeremy Ferguson. We're in the city centre. Brown and blonde long hair. Freckles. About 5'9. Blue eyes. She was wearing a black Panic! At The Disco T-shirt and jeans I think. Okay thank you very much. Yes I'll on this number if you need to call back. Thank you."

He hung up.

"They're sending out a search party."

"Wow okay. Let's get back to the bus and wait to hear from them," I said whilst hugging El who was in floods of tears again.

*Hannah's POV*

I walked off. I shouldn't have but I did. I had to get away, she knew I was trying to help yet she ignored me anyway. I know it's only a small thing but we never fight and I always feel like it’s my fault when we do. She'd probably be better off without me as a friend anyway. She probably just pities me because I used to be the victim at school.

I was walking down what seemed to be a fairly main road. It had shops down each side and a few cafes and restaurants up one end. There were no bars or clubs however a few stray drunks were sauntering down the other side of the road. I was fully covered up yet they still kept looking at me. I felt really uncomfortable. They then crossed the road and started walking behind me. I sped up a bit, hoping they would be too drunk to notice or be able to keep up.

"There's no point in rushing off now sweetie. We haven't even met yet!" One of them said, his words slightly slurred. I started to run and they tried to keep up but couldn't. I rounded a corner and slowed back down to a walk. I hate it when men are like that.

"Someone scare you darlin'?" A man's voice came from behind me. It wasn't drunk, just malicious. I turned around to see a sullen faced man. He looked fifty something but was probably in his thirties. He edged towards me and I started walking backwards.

"No need to be scared of me though darlin'. I won't hurt you," he smiled, showing his unkempt teeth. I was scared ridged. I knew I could probably run faster than him but I couldn't move, I was frozen. He grabbed my arm and shoved me to the ground. I screamed and he clamped his filthy hand over my mouth.

"Shh now, we don't want anyone to hear us do we?"

I tried to scream again but his hand just pressed down harder. I writhed and squirmed trying to release myself from the tight grip he had on my arm. I couldn't, I just couldn't. I give up, there's no point in fighting anymore. Who cares.

He made me stand up and walked me round the back of a building where he unzipped his flies and raped me.

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