The boy on the bus

Start from the beginning

We don't speak for the rest of the journey, but he gives me a little smile as he stands up.
"Thanks," he tells the driver with a sigh before he gets off. I hope he feels better soon.


The bus is really full this morning. There isn't a spare seat, except for the one beside the one he usually sits in. So I take it, and pray he doesn't look upstairs for another seat. I see him get on, looking a bit happier today and spots me next to his seat. He gives me a little smile before sitting down next to him, our shoulders touching due to space, and I blush, and go back to playing Pokemon. I got the game yesterday and I already love it. I see him pull out his Ds beside me, and just like me he is playing Pokemon! My screen brings up a message that Pokemon trainer Phil would like to battle. He's called Phil. It suits him perfectly. I smile to myself and accept his request, and we begin to battle. He keep glancing sideways at him each time I make a move, and see him smiling too. I even think he might sometimes look back at me too.

He beats me easily, my Pokemon aren't the highest of levels and he looks over at me grinning once he has won.
"Good game," he tells me and I nod.
"You have really good Pokemon, I only got it yesterday,"
"You've done well to get them that level for only having it a day," he chuckles.
"Are you a little better today?" I ask him cautiously and he smiles properly at me, his eyes containing the sparkle I missed for the past few day.
"I am thanks to you," he says, and looks up properly, putting his Ds back in his bag. Oh, it's his stop now, and I don't want him to go. "Thanks, Dan," he says as he stands up smiling, and walks up to the front of the bus. He knows my name. I can feel my heart beating faster than usual.

I watch him at the front, saying 'thank you' to the driver before giving me a little wave. He jumped off the bus, and walked off happily. I can't stop smiling. He talked to me, actually spoke to me! And he knew my name, and didn't run from me. And his smile, oh he's perfect. Phil. My Phil. I hope we can talk again tomorrow. It's my stop now, I will be smiling all throughout lessons. Maybe I do have a chance to get to know him.


The bus is empty like usual, but I'm sitting where I sat yesterday. I want to talk to him again. I have Pokemon out, just in case he thinks I am being forward and I am 'playing' on it. I hear the doors open and look up, and he's walking towards me, smiling.
"Hey," he says quietly as he sits down beside him.
"Hey," I reply, smiling.
"How are you?" He asks politely.
"I'm good, how are you? You look happier than you did a few days ago," I tell him, and he nods.
"I feel a lot better. I was kinda going through a rough patch with my boyfriend, but we sorted it all out," he told me.
"Oh," I say in disappointment, looking back down at my game.
"I broke up with him," he added, smiling.
"Oh," I say more happily, looking back up and smiling at him.
"It wasn't working, and I like someone else anyway," he says, blushing slightly, but catches my eye. He couldn't mean me, could he.
"I like someone too," I say as casually as I can.
"Is she nice?" He asks me and I laugh.
"He's lovely," I say pointedly and nods.
"Good," he says, but I don't think he's happy they are nice, more happy that they is a he. At least I hope he is.

"Do you want to have a battle?" I ask him and he nods, taking out his ds.
"Wait for me to beat you again," he laughs and I grin at him. I feel like I am forming a real friendship with him already, it's amazing.

He of course, beats me again and then stands up to get off he bus.
"See you on Monday Dan," he smiles and starts to walk away.
"See you Monday Phil," I tell him back and he goes and waits by the door. He thanks the driver and waves at me, before jumping off and walking away happily. I can't help but feel I caused that.

* *

I always miss him over the weekend, but this week, I missed him more. I am sitting next to his seat again, waiting for him to get on, one headphone in my ear. I see him and smile, and he automatically walks over and sits next to me.
"Morning, good weekend?" He asks.
"Great, yours?"
"Good too," he smiles. I smile at him and tap my fingers against my leg like he usually does, and he picks up my other headphone and slots it into his ear. "Oh I love this song!" He says happily.
"You like Fall out boy?" I ask him and he nods.
"I love them,"
"I knew you'd have good taste in music," I say. "Not that I have been wondering," I add quickly and he laughs.

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