After-School Punishment

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If there's any changes I need to make in length of story, let me know in comments below.

It was another day at DWMA. Stein was giving a lecture to the class while some students were jotting notes while others were dozing off. Soul was one of those students dozing whereas Maka was one of those students jotting down what Stein was telling them. Before she could write the last word, Black*Star flicked a thick eraser and it hit the back of Maka's head. This set her off, but she simply ignored it as she wrote the last word in the sentence and continued on with the next sentence. She began to lose concentration when she heard murmuring in the background.
"Maka likes Stein? But I thought her and Soul had a thing going on."
"Maka and Stein?"
She couldn't hear it because it was faint, it interfered with her note-taking. Suddenly, a piece of paper floated onto the desk, right next to Soul. He opened his eyes and saw the piece of paper.
"Huh?" He took the paper and unfolded it, his eyes shooting wide open and his face paling.
"The hell?"
"Soul Eater, what is that note doing in your hand?" Stein asked sternly.
"It's not mine, it just happened to float right next to me." Soul told him.
"If that's so, then why don't you read it to the entire class?"
"Eh, it's not exactly a note. Also I don't think you'd wanna know what it is and I sure don't want my meister to see what it is."
"Come down and show us the note."
"Eeeeeehhhh . . ."
"Now, Soul." Soul groaned in annoyance and got up, walking down the stairs and up front. He handed it to Stein as he turned away with a squeamish expression. Stein rose a brow at him and sighed.
"You are excused. Go back to your seat and pay attention."
"Yes, sir." Soul walked up the stairs and back to his seat next to Maka.
"What was it, Soul?"
"Trust me, you don't wanna know."
"Just tell me."
"No way, otherwise you'll Maka Chop me."
"Tell me, Soul." The scythe groaned in irritation, closing his eyes and leaning back. Maka scoffed and continued taking notes. Suddenly, she felt that same thick eraser hit her in the back of the head. She started to get annoyed, but ignored it. Another eraser hit her, she still ignored it. Suddenly, a piece of paper floated onto the desk beside her and she carefully took it. She unfolded it, making her beet red as she crumbled it and let it fall underneath the desk. What she'd seen was a doodle of her and Stein kissing and apparently it was all Black*Star's doing. Another piece of paper fell beside her and she unfolded it.

Just admit it. You know you want him, that's why you're asking him for special training.

Maka scoffed and let that note fall underneath the desk as she tried taking notes once more. Suddenly, another eraser hit the back of her head, this time she didn't keep her reserve. She clutched her pencil so hard it snapped in her very hands and Soul sat up, looking at Maka in fear. Dammit, Black*Star. Maka shoot up from her seat and turned around towards the blue-haired brat.
"Maka Albarn." The twin-tailed meister drew a sweat drop from the side of her forehead as she turned her attention to her beloved teacher.
"I apologize, Professor Stein! Black*Star kept throwing erasers and paper at me." she told him.
"Yes, I saw. But bursting out at someone when I'm giving a lecture is very inappropriate."
"I'm terribly sorry." Maka said, hanging her head. Soul got up and spoke.
"He did that to me too, except I didn't get erasers thrown at me!"
"You stay out of this, Soul Eater. Maka, after school I'd like you to come over and we can decide what your punishment will be."
"But, Professor—"
"No buts, am I clear?"
"Right, now what was I discussing just now. Ah, yes—" As Maka sat in her spot in embarrassment and shame, Soul glared angrily at Black*Star.
"Thanks alot, man. That was so not cool."

💀After School💀
The end of the day had come as everyone went home. Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Patty, Liz. Kid and Black*Star were walking through the halls as other students were walking by.
"You're not joining us, Maka?" Liz asked.
"I can't. I have detention." Maka said.
"Detention? What the hell for, you're like an ace student!" Liz cried.
"It was all Black*Star's doing. He chucked erasers at her while she was taking notes and sending her notes of Stein and her." Soul told her. Liz smacked Black*Star hard in the back of the head.
"Why would you do that? Now Maka has to deal with that embarrassment you caused her!"
"I've been dealing with it all day." Maka said. "I have to go, see you."

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