Her Last Wish - Chapter Twelve

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Sang's gasping breaths brings my focus back to her and I watch as she finds strength from somewhere within her and runs, pushing Nathan's arm away before she goes. She doesn't look back as she goes, but Silas and Kota do try and call after her. But she's gone before any of us can get our muscles moving to follow her.

A gentle hand rests on my shoulder and I look down, finding Lily. She's been crying and her bottom lip trembles as she asks, "Rose is dying?"

Everyone had heard what Sang had said. Everyone had witnessed her breakdown. Before the day is up, word will have spread that the best person the Academy has ever seen is going to die.


I rub at my forehead as I bring my phone away from my ear and press the end button, ending a call with Marc, another academy member on another team. Sighing, I turn my head to Victor who is watching me closely. "Nothing," I tell him.

He sighs and turns back to his laptop. "Where the hell is she then?"

"She's been missing all fucking day," Gabriel exclaims, pacing the floor of Sean's office in the basement of the hospital.

"We're trying our best, Gabe," I say to him. "Sang didn't take her phone, purse, or her car, so she's on foot. She couldn't have gone far."

Well, I hope she hasn't gone far. After Sang ran from the hospital we made Sean tell us what had been going on with Rose, though we heard very clearly what Sang had shouted at him in her anger. When he told us the devastating news of Rose's cancer, that she hadn't had any treatment for and will not be getting treatment for because it was now untreatable, my heart clenched.

North went bat shit crazy, then he left with Luke to go and see Uncle. They haven't returned yet, but that's because as soon as they left from speaking with Uncle they went to find Sang, but not before telling me that Uncle had known about Rose.

Phil rang everyone he could within the Academy and sent out her picture, telling them to search the whole of Charleston until they found her.

So far, we've had no such luck. Nathan and Silas are sitting with Rose who is determined to try and get out of bed to search for her granddaughter. At first, it was Rose who told us to just leave Sang, to give her time and that she would return within a couple of hours. But after three hours it became clear that Sang wasn't returning and she started going frantic, saying that she needed to see her pretty girl, and that she had to find her.

Witnessing someone as strong as Rose Sorensen break down almost made me break down. Phil had to sedate Rose just to calm her down and eventually, she fell asleep. But now that she's awake, she wants out of bed so she can hunt for Sang.

"You should have just told her," Victor says and I turn my head, finding him glaring at a very devastated and pale Sean Green. He hasn't said much since telling us about Rose, just sat on the small couch in his basement office and kept to himself. He did get up at one point and search around the hospital, in hopes Sang had returned undetected but came back with nothing.

"I couldn't," Sean says, lifting his head and glaring right back at Victor. "How many times do I have to say that?"

Victor shakes his head and goes back to his laptop. Gabriel stares at Sean for a long second before saying, "Look, I understand all that patient confidentiality shit, but Sang is her granddaughter."

Her Last Wish Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora