''Til Death do us Part'

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"Alice. It's okay." His voice was brittle and dry, but still soothing. My eyes stretched open and I saw his face. It surprised me how horrid it looked in this light.
"Riley. Are you alright?"
"Yeh, yeh. I'm fine. It's you that people need to worry about. Have you seen the state of your leg?"
"No. But I'm pretty sure that it's quite bad. It doesn't feel as though it's healing."
"It isn't. I had to take the bandage off as it was too dirty to keep on any longer. Alice. You need a doctor."
"We won't need a doctor after today. They plan on killing us."
" I know. But we WILL get through this." I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm - it was too sweet at such a vital time. "Hey, I am glad I made you smile. Your cheesy grin makes me want to laugh out loud. Especially today." My brow creased as I wondered why today was so important.
"Why? I mean, why does it make you so happy today?" I breathed the word so slowly as though it was poison.
"Well, I was hoping to tell you after the day was up but that face is irresistible! It's my birthday."
"Christ! I haven't got you anything! I am so sorry! Happy birthday by the way." he laughed softly at that which made me smile too.
"We're as good as in hell, about to die and all you care about is the fact that you haven't got me a birthday present?! Okay. There is something seriously wrong there."
"Oh. I just realized how weird that sounded! But, if you could have anything, what would it be?" I wondered whether it was a football, a video game or something else that boys liked. But it was the complete opposite.
"I want you to sing for me. A song that means a lot to you. I have heard about that day in music class when everyone was forced into singing a song from a musical and I guess that you were all they spoke about - so I want to hear it." his face was cute and pleading, like a puppy wanting a bone to chew.
"Well, I....I guess if that's what you want....." That's when I started singing 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift as it was the only song that I had listened too the day after I realized I had a humungous crush on Riley; it was unique. 
As I finished the song, Riley beamed at me. "If I had of known that you could do that, I would have asked for it sooner! Holy crap! You're good! So, why that song?" his eyes were on me now, daring me to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth.
"Um....it was the first song to come into my head?" He was still staring at me. "Because it is a nice song that means a lot to me and those I love?" Still staring - no, glaring now "Be-because I li-" I never got to finish what I said as Riley's hand stroked my face and he leaned forward so that our noses nearly touched. It travelled around my face, tracing my nose and the outline of my eyes. He caught a stray piece of golden hair and tucked it neatly behind my ear and then he leaned ever closer and his warm lips touched mine.
It was nothing like I could have imagined. His were so soft and willing.....but he pulled away too soon. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. You were just there....." he apologized profusely.
"It's fine. I was going to say that I chose that song because I like you..." This was awkward. He lifted his head from his hands.
"Really? Well, I like you too. May I?" He gestured towards my rough lips as I nodded slowly, wishing that he would do it without asking and that I would never awake from this heavenly dream of bliss...
Two kisses later and my eyelids drooped. It was getting warmer in our cell but still nobody came for us...
"Roll up people. Your execution awaits. Hahahahahahahah!" Tristan laughed uneasily as though he didn't believe that we would come so easy. Now that we had declared our love for one another, me and Riley were ready for anything and just wanted this over with.
We walked for what seemed like an age and the. He pulled Riley away from me. We caught one fearful glance and then he was placed hastily into the dreaded chair and injected with the drug.
"ALICE! I LOVE-" but his head lolled to one side before he could finish what he was saying.
"Alice. Come! Quick!" Someone whispered in my ear. David. But I couldn't leave Riley. Not now and not ever. But I had to say goodbye as David tugged me away. I didn't even have the energy to retaliate...

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