Chapter 2

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Hey guys!!! New chapter, because I'm feeling inspired and I don't wanna pay attention in Algebra. Enjoyyyyyy. 🙃🙃


I don't remember what else happened after grandma announced grandpa's will. I just remember sitting there numb. I wasn't thinking, I wasn't feeling, I don't rememeber what happened. 

But I do remember when it started. I remember the exact time that the voice showed up in my head. It was sweet like honey, but its words stung like a bee. And it was familiar, so familiar, but everytime I tried to remember who it sounded like, my mind would go blank, like the voice itself could control my mind. 

The first words it said were "Pity, and here I thought this fortune was yours. Did that darling grandpa of yours lie to you? I wouldn't put it past him." 

I'd gasped, shaken out of my numb state and more scared than I had ever been. 

"No!" I thought, "grandpa would never lie!"

"But would he?" the voice murmured. 

I shook my head, "Go away, go away!"  

The voice chuckled, " I can't go away, I will always be here. I am a part of you." 

"No," I said shakily, 

The voice sighed and said "However, I can stay silent. I am not your enemy Tara, I'm you. The sooner you understand, the better, because I am here to stay." 

"Who are you?" I asked, dazed. 

"You may call me Atra. And I am you. Your flesh and blood. Remember that, Tara." She said silkily. 

"Atra" I murmured. 

I guess, even then, I had known that it was a name that would haunt me forever. 

Intricate: Greed, Betrayal, and Revenge.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora