chp. 43

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*3 days later*

Sailor's pov:

I was currently sitting in my bedroom working on my laptop, when I heard crying coming from Luna's room. I got up from my desk, going next door to Luna's room. I knocked on the door, Luna yelling for me to come in.

"What's wrong, Luna?" I asked, sitting down on the floor.

"I'm pregnant with Ethan's kid," Luna said, showing me the pregnancy test that she took.

"It's okay. I'm sure that he'll be there for you and the child. Have you told mom yet?" I asked, sitting on the floor.

"I told her the second that I looked at the results. But I haven't told Ethan yet," Luna said, pulling her jacket on.

"Call him, and tell him to come over," I said, before leaving the room.

Luna's pov:

I pulled my phone off of my desk, unlocking it, calling Ethan.

L: Hey, can you come over. I need to talk to you.

E: Yeah, I'll be over soon.

*10 minutes later*

I heard a knock on the door, Sailor ran downstairs, opening the door.

"She's upstairs in her room," I heard Sailor tell Ethan.

*3 minutes later*

I heard a knock on the door, I yelled for them to come in. Ethan walked in, sitting on my bed.

"I wanted to tell you, that I'm pregnant with your kid," I said, scared of what he would say.

"Are you serious?" he said.

"Ethan, your scaring me, but yes I'm serious," I said, showing him the test.

"You're carrying my baby. I'm so happy," he said, kissing my stomach.

*2 days later*

Megan's Pov:

I woke up, getting everything set up to get ready for Prom with Cayla, Kaylin, and Sailor. I pulled out my stuff, setting it out on my desk.

*2 hours later*

Sailor's pov:

Megan was currently curling my hair, while Kaylin was getting the makeup that she was going to do on me ready. After Megan finished curling my hair, she sprayed my hair with hairspray so that the curls would stay in. Then, after Kaylin got done, I put my dress on. It was this gorgeous light blue dress.

*6 hours later*

Megan's pov:

It was almost time for the boys to show up to pick us up for prom.  We soon heard a knock on the door, Ashton opening it up. Sailor went down first in her short light blue dress. Cayla went down next in her long red dress. Kaylin went down in her short black dress.

Finally, I went down in my long pink poofy dress. As I walked down the stairs, Joe got super happy. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, Joe grabbing my hand. Before we left, we went out to the lake behind the house and took pictures.

*at prom*

Sailor's pov:

"Hey, I'll be right back," I told Grayson, before walking over to where Korinna was sitting by herself.

"Okay," he said, as I left.

I walked over to where Korinna was sitting by herself.

"Why are you sitting by yourself, Korinna?" I asked her, sitting down next to her.

"Mark and I are still fighting. So here I am, sitting a prom alone," Korinna said.

"Come with me," I said, standing up.

She got up, following me back to where Grayson was at.

"Dance with her. I don't want her to be left out," I told Grayson, kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay. I'll dance with you again later," he said, kissing me on the head.

Megan's pov:

Joe and I were currently slow dancing while Ethan and Luna were across the building, sitting at a table.

*3 days later*

Luna's pov:

Today, Ethan and I were going to the doctor's to see what the gender of the baby was.

"Hello. So today, we are going to be telling you what the gender of your baby," the doctor said, putting the jelly on my stomach.

Ethan and I both looked at the monitor and we saw 2 little babies.

"Congrats, your having a girl and boy twins," the doctor said, shaking our hands.

*2 days later*

Megan's pov:

Today, all of us seniors were turning in the our textbooks. I went to my locker, grabbing my textbooks out of there, shutting it after words. I walked down the hall, into the office. When I got there, I had to sign a whole bunch of papers for the college that I got accepted into.

I signed the papers, putting them into my folder of papers that I had for college. After I got done signing the papers, I went into the copy room, making copies of it for my records. 

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