chp. 20

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Megan's pov:

As Mr. Hemmings came around, he told us things he likes and doesn't like about our creations. Finally, Mr. Hemmings made it to my table. There was only 3 of us sitting there, so it wouldn't take long for him to look at mine.

First, he looked at Cayla's. He liked the croptop, but he didn't like the skirt. He thought that it was too boring. Then he looked at Kaylin's. He liked the dress, but he thought that she should change the color or give a pattern to the cardigan.

After he looked at there's, he looked at mine. He bent down and whispered "I really like this, see me after class,"

"Okay," I whispered back in his ear.

Soon the bell rang, I walked up to where Mr. Hemmings was sitting at his desk.

"I've really enjoyed seeing your artwork from the past years, and i was wondering if you would make a collage of all of your past artwork for me to hang in here," Mr. Hemmings asked me smiling.

"Sure," I replied.

"Do you have anything after school for the rest of the week?" he asked while pulling out a pad of sticky notes.

"No, I don't," I replied pulling my sketchbook out of my backpack.

"I'm going to call your aunt, and ask her if you can stay for the rest of the week after school. I'll let you know after I find out," he replied handing me a note to class.

"Thank you, Mr. Hemmings," I said while walking out the door.

"Your welcome Megan," I heard him say as I walked down the hall.

Mr.Hemming's Pov:

After Megan had left my classroom, I picked up my iphone and called her aunt.

"Hello?" Miss. Stickman said.

"Hi, this is Mr. Hemmings, I'm Megan's art teacher and I have a question to ask you about her," I said writing down information on a piece of paper.

"Is she in trouble, cause she's a really good kid," She said, people talking in the background.

"No, she's a great student. I asked her during class if she would make me a collage of her old artwork, and I want your permission for her to stay after school for the rest of the week," I asked writing down some more stuff on my paper.

"Yeah, of course she can. Your one of her favorite teachers," she said.

"Thank you. Have a great day," I said. 

"You too," she said before hanging up.

I walked down the hallway into the office. I walked up to the secretary's desk asking her:

"Do you know where Megan Hope is this period?" I asked her as she typed something into her computer.

"She's in fashion design with Mr. Irwin," she said while looking at her computer.

"Thank you," I said before walking out of the office and down the hallway.

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