Chapter Three: Princesses and Black Holes

Start from the beginning

"Yes, i'm sure, do you not trust me?" Carvis teases making me roll my eyes at him, ignoring his comment.

"So where will this portal open?" I inquire out loud just as Melona walks into the living room wearing a dress that looked like one that you'd wear in the days when you only had horses and boats for transportation. I guess that is what the whole terrain is going to be like in Middle-Earth.

"In the clearing that you trained most often in." Melona answered making me nod in confirmation. 

"Are we leaving now?" I ask when i notice Carvis and Melona picking up their stuff that they are bringing with them.

"Are you going to wear that?" Melona asks looking at my outfit that Carvis gave me. I was a tan pair of trousers that had my belt wrapped around it with both my dagger and sword in it and a dark brown shirt that was really big on me.

"Yeah what's wrong with it? You aren't going to force me to wear a dress are you?" I mutter looking at the dress in her hand in disgust, clearing making my hatred for the piece of cloth quite clear.

"No i was just wondering." She said making me sigh in relief.

"Let's go." Carvis said opening the backdoor, taking the lead as Melona follows and i trail behind, not ready to face my fate yet.

"Won't people know that were missing?" I ask as we got to the edge of the forest.

"No, once we cross into the portal it will be like we never existed here. All money we have here will be with us but in the currency in Middle-Earth." Carvis explains holding a branch back so it doesn't hit us as we walk by.

"That makes sense." I mumble amused. Clearly they have thought of pretty much everything in order to for us to travel between realms.

I just really hope that they aren't crazy, i think to myself, carefully maneuvering in between trees.

I ran into the back of Carvis making a soft gasp escape my lips.

"Careful." He murmured gently gripping my arm bringing me in front of him as we gather around the familiar looking clearing.

Noticing my bow and quiver leaning against the same tree that i left them at earlier, i quickly grab them hoping that they could be of some use.

Nervousness began blooming in the in the pit of my stomach making me fiddle with my fingers anxiously trying to get my mind of what was going on.

"Will it hurt?" I mumble, my voice giving away none of my nervousness that i felt.

Carvis laughed wholeheartedly wrapping his arm around my shoulder giving me some comfort.

"Nah, from what i can remember, you just feel a slight tickling and then see nothing." He says furrowing his eyebrows thinking.

"Oh alri-" I began but was cut of by Melona. "Its time." she exclaimed making my eyes widened.

Please don't be crazy, please don't be crazy, i think closing my eyes when the wind starts to pick up.

My heart started beating faster as my hair whipped around being pushed by the wind. Loud rustling from the trees around made me clench my fists. A whaling like whistling began making me cover my ears as the painful sound continued.

Using my hands to block some of the wind, i open my eyes, narrowing them into a squint in order to see.

What i saw was insane.

A giant black pit began forming on the ground, opening up and spinning like a vortex within.

A scream built up in my throat but before it could be released Carvis grabbed both Melona's and i's hand dragging us with him as he jumped.

The scream fought its way out of my throat sounding like a mere whisper in the raging wind.

Darkness developed me quickly, making me wish that i could see the light once again.


Hey my little cupcakes,

I'm sorry everyone for not updating as fast as i would have liked. Exams came and went leaving me busy and the new semester of school started leaving me exhausted.

by the way for those who noticed... I deleted the sneak peak for chapter one since i started the story and i don't really need it on there anymore.

so i hoped you enjoyed this chapter, so please...




***I have also have two questions.

1) Should i make this a Legolas love story?

2) For each movie should i make a new book or should i just keep it so that it's all one book?

Comment to let me know what you guys think

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