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The night sky was beautiful with the bright full moon hanging in it with stars shining their freedom to the ones below who often watched there beauty or ignored them cause of jealousy.

Naruto loved the night more than the day were humans come out. He hated them to no end well minus a few he could actually tolerate like Hinata Hyuuga she was shy and quiet never in your business or look down onto you no matter what.

Shikamaru Nara was alright he wasn't bothersome like most, along with his friends choji and shino.

Now the others could die for all he could care.

" Naru-chan your spacing out again, " said lulu beside him on the roof. They were hunting for dinner and the menu tonight was a man who looked to be in his early twenties walking home late from somewhere. " I'll take this one sis " he gave a smile as she pouted. " awe come on you always like the males, what's so good about there blood anyway your weird, " she said as he shrugged.

" I just do they taste better than a woman, " he said. It was the truth they did. Ever since he turned seven he began liking the taste of a male humans blood. To him, it was sweet like honey. If that makes sense.

" fine then but be home before daylight okay you got school in the morning " the elder vampire warned him before disappearing into the night to find her own meal.

He loved his family and would do anything to protect them, even at the cost of his own life. Naruto followed the man into a dark alley, ' didn't they ever teach people not to go into a dark alley this late man there even dumber than I thought ' Naruto thought as he decided to make his move.

The man felt as if he was being followed so he picked up his pace a little while glancing behind him to see if anyone was but saw no one so he pushed that thought away since he was just tired from his late shifts.

" my, my aren't you out late human" he heard a voice and he stopped and looked down to see a kid around twelve or thirteen with long golden blond hair with red stripes mixed in it, his right eye was was a glowing purple with a shade of green around the edges while his right was a beautiful blue azure with a fox slit as a pupil. His skin was extremely pale with dark bags under his eyes. He wore black baggie hoodie and Anbu pants and combat boots.

" what? It's late kid you should be in bed " he said recovering from shock as the kid only laughed which confused him. Was he mental or something? " no I've been asleep all day and I'm hungry " he suddenly had a serious expression as the man could see four white fangs poking out of the kid's mouth as it formed into a bloodthirsty smile.

Before he knew what hit him he was on the ground paralyzed with the kid on top of him. He could not move or speak only watch as the blonde boy bit into his neck and he felt the blood run down his neck and to the ground.

He felt lightheaded and his vision blurred to black dots as he suddenly had no strength.

Naruto licked his lips and frowned as the man's eyes dulled slightly, they all did that when he used his poison on them. " forget everything that happened tonight" he ordered as the man only nodded and walked away as nothing had happened.

Naruto looked to his watch and nearly choked. " holy mother of gods it's nearly four lulus going to be pissed " he began making his way home to were his family was waiting for him.

He lived with the Yukimura clan, they were known for there blood techniques to hide their true identities as vampires, only the Third Hokage and a few others knew the truth behind there abilities. He knew what Naruto was and accepted it after some time.

" young man your late " hakubi said as Naruto had tried sneaking pass them but was caught. " uh um you see I met this old lady who needed help with her groceries " he gave a pitiful excuse who he had learn from kakashi a man who he met during his huntings sometimes. He ran into him a few times and played a game of cat and mouse with white-hairedired ninja ( also stole his orange book )

" go wash up your covered in blood and dirt and it's a Monday " shiro scolded as Naruto nodded and ran upstairs happy to have escaped.

Today was graduation day and I was excited to finally get out of the academy and into the real world.

Vampire Naruto ( sasunaru )Where stories live. Discover now