Clearly, she was the one who hit me earlier and as remembered she was one of them. I didn't really know any of them very well, but we had some sort of relationship. Only thinking about how I knew the girl made my stomach wrench uncomfortably. Especially looking at the smallest one, Ally Hernandez made me feel on the verge of nausea.

I wasn't a total psychopath with none feelings whatsoever. Perhaps it would be better if I was, but unfortunately I couldn't display too much of my opinions. People often did the mistake of thinking it was easy being me.

Walking around with the crown on my head, smiling brightly and being brutal, because my life seemed so carefree. When in reality it was hard work every day. I had to make sure everyone stayed in their original lanes, and that no one in our group did anything unforgivable. If it weren't for me, the entire balance in this high school would threaten to break at any second.

In addition, I was forced to appear as perfect as I could all the time, but I couldn't be too kind in fear of losing respect. Because there was no secret that people who were nice to everyone never reached the top and I was at the top, willing to do anything to stay there.

This was high school and regardless of how brutal it was or what the adults might have to say about it, it was tough. And, if you didn't make yourself respected, you were nothing, a nobody.

I focused back on the group of girls and could hear laughter all the way from their table to mine. The way Camila's face lightened up into a teeth-showing grin. I wondered what their conversation was about, since they looked overjoyed.

Studying the brunette, I could see that she was pretty. Correction, not pretty. With dark hair that roamed down the sides of her face and matching brown eyes, she was actually beautiful.

I swore that if I had stayed with her any longer this morning, I would surely have lost myself in them, which was scary to know. How was it that our minds could be so captivated by the inner depth in another person that we actually were leaving earth, not physically but mentally.

Lost in my own thoughts of admiration it took me awhile before I realized that I wasn't just glancing at her. By now, I was more like gawking at her and what made it so more awkward was that the brown eyes had caught me. The clear bewilderment was evident across her face as we held the stare.

I gave her a graceless smile, my lips tugging up hesitantly before I turned around quickly. My face was heating up quickly, causing confused expressions to spread around my friends - almost identical to the one Camila had given me only seconds prior.

The silence was unbearable until Alexa peered in on my forehead. She lifted her finger, pointing shamelessly to my forehead with a gasp. "Laur, what happened to your head?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. I kind of crashed into Cabello's locker door this morning, nothing to worry about." I brushed off nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders, not wanting them to mistake the accident for something it wasn't.

However, it was too late to try diverting the topic of our conversation, as the girls in front of me exchanged a few worried glances. "What?" I asked and feigned ignorance, knowing all too well what they were silently discussing.

"Why you- I mean didn't did you..." Alexa trailed off.

Veronica quickly to jump in as she finished Alexa's sentence for her, "what we want to know is why you didn't do anything about it? That's a prime example of what should not pass unresolved. People already think they can mess with us."

I rolled my eyes, the annoyance with Veronica was always worst when it came to cases like this. I was a coward for avoiding their glances and not speaking my mind but I couldn't help it. Thinking about hurting Camila made me feel sick to my stomach, but knowing Veronica wasn't lying, made me feel even worse.

Occasionally, we had to remind our fellow students that messing with us would serve consequences. Otherwise, we would be the ones to suffer in the end and I couldn't let my friends go through that just because I was being a weakling.

Veronica and Lucy however took my silence the wrong way and looked at each other, growling while Alexa lifted my chin up with her finger, forcing me to look at her. "Lauren, you don't have to do anything, ok? I am sure it was an accident and I think they have suffered enough." Alexa reasoned, giving me a probing smile.

I returned with a content sight, feeling at ease at her lack of pressuring. Veronica however sighed irritated, giving me a small glare before a mischievous smile covered her features, "I'll do it." She announced and my heart speeded up.

"what?" I blurted and panic struck through me immediately. There was no way I would allow Veronica to have her way with Camila. The girl was too vulnerable for that kind of exposing. I had no idea where this strange urge to protect her emerged from. Considering our record, we weren't even close to friends. But call it humanly instinct or whatever, I was not going to let Vero mess with her for the hell of it.

Sighing I glanced at Camila, looking back at Vero who was in deep talk with Lucy. Did I really have a choice in this? I wasn't worried about Lucy planning too much. Veronica however could be terrifying, especially when she built her agenda on revenge. Thinking back, it had been Vero's thirst for vengeance that had started the mess.

*3 years ago*

"Lauren, did you hear about that Carlos? Apparently he hooked up with Ally Hernandez at the Halloween party." Veronica gritted out, her eyes swimming in anger and I wasn't sure how to respond.

I didn't doubt for a second that Carlos wasn't guilty. Ally however, I was surprised. She didn't really seem to be the hit and ditch kind of girl. Veronica and he had never been exclusive, but she'd had the tendency of being possessive anyway. The whole thing made me think about my own relationship with Luis, what if things were reversed and he'd cheated on me, would I have stayed with him? I doubt I would have left him. I wasn't strong enough to go through that.

"Laur, are you listening?" Veronica addressed me, annoyance in her tone and I lifted my head, indicating that I definitely was now. "I said we should come up with a plan to get her back." She repeated herself and as usual, I hated when she decided on something like this. She was very passionate in her ways and when she first had set her mind on a victim, you could only pray it wasn't you.

I shook my head discreetly at the recall of the beginning. We all knew how the story ended and Veronica claimed that it wasn't that bad. She guaranteed that we wouldn't hurt them, not really. Her methods would only teach them a lesson about life and the day she laid it I couldn't really protest.

Most of the time I even believed her, or maybe I didn't, but I pretended to because it was easier. Honestly I didn't think I wanted to really know what she did, because like I said, I wasn't an emotionless psychopath and I definitely couldn't switch of the guilt button.

Feeling Veronica growing more impatience I panicked and the words fell from my lips before I could even think them over. "I would rather have a go at Ally, considering she's the one who started this whole mess." I suggested and I couldn't believe I just sold out an innocent girl, fuck.


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