"You can summon fire, water, and trees?" Loki inquires quizzically.

I huff, "Yeah, Loki that pretty much sums it up."  I soften, "Are you okay? Last night-"

"I do not wish to speak of it." He snaps.

"Well, are you going to have more of them? Nightmares?" I re-melt the little dagger. These are the things I need to know about my new housemate.

He hesitates, "Possibly."

Ah, back to one word replies.

"Do you want me to wake you up?" I try not to seem like I pity him. "They seemed pretty awful."

He hesitates again, "It would be...appreciated."

I nod in acknowledgement, "A friend of mine, John, was only a child during World War 1, but he fought in the Second World War.  He was wounded and sent home.  When he came to live with me he had nightmares too. I doubt that it's the same, though." I pause and glance at Loki, whose staring at me, "You're actually staying in his old room."

His eyes are downcast, possibly thinking.

I grin slightly as I remember something, "Loki?"


"Can I have my arm back?"

Hours later, we are arguing.

"Loki, I don't understand how you could possibly believe that!"  I exclaim, my voice on the edge of shouting.

"And I do not understand how you could believe otherwise!" He argues back.

"How are you so blind?" I yell.

"Perhaps, Flora, I am the only one here whose eyes are open!" He is in my face now, his volume matching my own.

"But Loki,  it's so obvious that you're in the wrong here! Everyone knows that blueberries are better than blackberries!" I am exasperated.

"Then everyone is a idiot!" He says simply, sitting back in his seat.

I look at him.

He looks at me.

We begin to laugh, a welcoming sound considering how things have been so far. His laugh is deeper than I would have thought, and I'm sure this is a real one. Not one used for show.

I only laugh harder as Loki tosses a black berry in his mouth, grimacing as he bites down.

"You cheated." He accuses bitterly.

"Indeed." I mimic.

One of the many perks of plant powers is that not all fruit has to taste like it should. Loki's particular blackberry tastes like an unripened lemon.

He scoffs and shakes his head. "You mock me, mortal?"

I send a pointed glance in his direction.

"Flora." He corrects himself.

"Yes, indeed I do." I affirm, my head bobbing up and down.

"You are strange." He informs me.

"I know!" I smile brightly.

"So Loki," I begin, "did they tell you you were coming here or was it just like a big surprise?"

He sighs, his fingers tracing the fading marks on his wrists where his shackles were, "I was aware I was being taken somewhere. I knew not where."

"Were you expecting anything like this?" I try to imagine being thrust into the care of an eccentric stranger, and chuckle lightly.

"No. Not at all." He pauses, "I suppose I expected far worse. Although, when last I was on Midgard I heard of a contraption that you place in your ears that block out sound." He looks at me amusedly, "Perhaps I should invest in a pair."

I feign offense, "Loki, I am hurt." I begin to fake cry, and continue doing so until,

"Are you quite finished, Flora?"

"Not until you apologize!" I wail.

"I will not apologize for-"

I only sob louder.

"Fine!" Loki throws his hands up in surrender, then brings his hands down to cover his ears.

"I apologize." He assents with an eye roll.

I cease my my caterwauling immediately, "Okay I'm done." I smile childishly at the man, who is trying to hide an amused expression behind an annoyed one and is managing to look incredibly constipated.

I smirk, "I win again!"

I skip across the room, finally settling back down on the couch.


A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora