Chapter 1

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John smiled, once again brushing away the thought of the days to come. Things were finally looking up again. After a long months journey which he always thought would end badly if not end at all. While the future looked grim, the present was good enough for now.

As John jumped across the river he remembered saying goodbye to him new friends. River, Lily and Izzy had parted ways with him not long earlier. John had given them some money to stay at tavern for the night. They would soon be on their way to find a new home away from the dreadful forest they had spent so many years trapped in.

He also remembered his farewell to Carnage which was a lot shorter than he had imagined. However, John still wasn't surprised when Carnage pushed John over, laughed and then ran off in the first direction his eyes set on. John didn't even get the chance to say goodbye and to thank him, but it didn't matter.

We all know he'll show up eventually.

John was expecting a stupid reply from him considering he could 'read his thoughts'. Nothing came but he knew Carnage had heard him. As the sun rose John could see a familiar sight ahead of him. Home. He smiled as much as his face would even allow and immediately started belting towards it as fast as possible. When he got to the familiar staircase up the mountain side, he stopped for a moment thinking about what the quickest way to get up was. He quickly decided to clamber up. It didn't matter how he got up, just how fast.

Out of breath, John collapsed on the ground in front of the door. Struggling to stand up, he eventually found the strength to knock. He could have just opened it, but he wanted his friends to get a surprise when they opened the door to see him standing there. It reminded him of that day a long time ago, when they had all grouped together in order to surprise him. John smiled as he heard Cooper's voice from behind the door.

"For the last time, we are not interested in any of your-" Cooper broke off into a slight shriek of surprise when he opened the door.

"J-John?" Cooper stood motionless in the door way.

"Are you going to let me in or not?" John asked, smiling.

"O-o-of course buddy!" Cooper overcame his surprise and was instantly laughing like himself again.

"Is that John?" Summer's voice came from behind her doorway.

"John?" Harry ran out of the right hallway excitedly.

Everyone came pouring into the room after they heard the sound of John's voice. Soon they were on him, demanding he tell him everything that happened. Some were more relieved than others, like Sonja who immediately ran up and hugged John telling him how much she missed him. Jack just hung back with summer and waved with a smile on his face. Adam came rushing down the right hallway frantically trying to get at John to ask questions.

John smiled. He had never been overwhelmed with so much excitement for a long time. He was so happy to be back and to see all his friends again. Soon, he had sat everyone down on the couches so he could explain everything about his adventure. He told them about how he got lost and woke up in the forest. He told them every detail about the fight with River and about the new friends he had made. Everyone was shocked at the description of the desert spirits. John showed them the scars left over from when the spirits had clawed at them as proof. Everyone gasped and John laughed.

"And what about the Light mages? Did they welcome you? Did they agree?" Jack asked out of interest.

John's heart sank. He was about to burden them with the news of the war they would have to fight in. He sighed and took a deep breath ready for an outbreak of anger and confusion. He then brought himself to tell them the truth. There was a brief moment of silence afterwards of course. Finn was the first to speak.

"Why on earth would someone EVER go to war over THAT?!?!?" There was an explosion of sound as everyone showed their agreement.

Everyone was arguing with each other over the news and John was about to tell everyone to tell everyone to calm down when John heard the sound of a mug shattering on the ground. The sound made everyone jump even though they were all yelling at the time and found it difficult to hear things like that. Everyone fell silent and turned around to see Archer, who had just arrived home after a morning walk, standing in fear staring at them. He held his hand out as if he was originally holding something and it was clear he dropped the mug.

"Archer? Are you-" Adam was cut off.

"W-we're going to w-war w-with the l-light mages?" Everyone exchanged nervous glances with each other wondering how they would break it to him.

Adam stood up and walked over to Archer to confront him.

"Archer it's alrigh-" Adam grunted in annoyance as he was once again cut off.

"John. May I speak to you?" Archer whispered.

"Yeah sure. What about?" John answered casually.

"Not here. In my room." John nodded and followed him. Several others followed behind but Archer just turned around and spoke, "alone."

So John followed Archer into the corridor on the right so he could listen to what the time mage had to say.

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