1-The Death of Smaug

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I just sat there, watching the horror unfold below us in Lake-Town. We were in the tower after getting out, standing there. I pulled my legs against my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I sat next to Ori. Smaug, the dragon had unleashed his fiery attack on the people of Lake-Town. They did not deserve this torture. From this distance we could easily hear the faint screams of pain & agony from the people. Helplessly all we could do is just watch. I looked up at Bilbo, he looked grim as well at least he tried to sway the dragon but the prophecy came true. And in some insane way we had somehow caused it, we had awakened the beast. Tears flowing down my cheeks as I gently laid my head on Ori's shoulder & he gently laid his cheek against my hair. The others were also staring at the whole fiasco before them. Down there not only the residents lives were in danger but also our friends who were left behind. Fili, Kili, Oin & Bofur, heavens knows they could be anywhere or among them, will they be able to escape?
Balin: "Those poor souls."
Silently I wept as the horror continued, I needed someone to hold me in his strong arms, someone who in some way could momentarily ease this pain in my heart. Thorin, I need him. I snapped my eyes open & began to search the familiar figure. I looked at Bilbo but his back was facing me, frowning I turned my head to look. There not far from us stood Thorin but instead of being here with us his mind seemed elsewhere. He was staring at his kingdom. I still remember the look of anguish on his when his attempt in drowning Smaug, in the molten lava of gold. But the dragon had escaped & is right now heaving havoc on the people of Lake-Town. Why isn't he here with us? His nephews were down there. Not only was I worried about them but also about Bard & his children, the ones who had taken Bilbo & the dwarfs in. I looked back at Thorin, his back was towards us, what is the matter with him? 'You don't suppose its the dragon sickness? The one Thranduil warned you about? Or is he thinking about the Arkenstone', my inner voice spoke up but I quickly denied it. I wiped my tears away & slowly stood up, my eyes on Thorin's back. Bilbo looked at me, he had the same look on his face probably he was thinking the same thing as I was! Talk to Thorin Oakenshield now, but how? I was about to make my move then I heard an odd sound. Turning, there I saw or rather heard the dragon make a choking sound as if in pain. The next thing I saw the dragon fall, in the lake below but how?
Ori: "What was that?"
His back was turned from the scene.
Anya: "I...It fell, the dragon fell!"
Bilbo: "She is right, I saw it too! It is dead!"
At that everyone gathered to take a closer look, there was a huge splash in the water.
Gloin: "By my beard, she is right!"(We heard a cawing sounds nearby)"Look there! The ravens are returning to the mountains."
As it was foretold, the terror of the Smaug's reign had come to an end, its over. I hugged Bilbo, so happy to know our ordeal had come to an end! We had reclaimed Erebor, with the help of this unknown source, slayed the dragon.
Balin:(Smiling)"Aye! The word shall spread all over the Middle-Earth. Every soul will know that the dragon is dead!"
But I'd like to know that how the dragon was killed & by whom. Ori mentioned that Bard's ancestor Lord Girion had somehow managed to remove a scale from the dragon. But it could only be killed by a black arrow! I remember this part in my great grandfather's journal. He was there when Lord Girion had been using black arrows, he had fired many times during the attack. Yet despite the iron hide of the dragon he managed to scale one loose. Could it be? Sighing, part of me wants to believe it, Bard was the only laid link in my opinion. Only he had the means to put the dragon away since his ancestor failed to do. Part of me was jubilant that is done but now I was worried about Fili, Kili, Oin & Bofur. They need to be found, I turned to look at Thorin. But I was stunned to see that he was leaving, heading back into the mountain. I just stood there & gaped.
Bilbo: "Anya, are you alright?"
Anya: "What do you think, Bilbo? Thorin was supposed to be here, to watch with us. I mean I know its over but...!"
Bilbo: "Anya, I'm not sure about this but it is possible. It happened to his grandfather then his father & now...!"
He slumped his shoulders & bit his lips. But I refused to believe this, he is not like his grandfather, he just can't. I shook my head vigorously, no, I don't want to lose him. He shall not succumb to this madness. Looking back he was gone, he must be inside. I rushed towards the steps, I could hear Bilbo calling me but I ignored him. I need to be with Thorin, I hope its not too late. I rushed inside the gate, instinctively, I headed towards the treasure room, he must be there. My heart pounding, I reached the area, oblivious to the gold & the treasure. My eyes eagerly searched for him, he must be searching for the Arkenstone. But I could not see him, my heart sank. I went down the stairs almost stumbled but stood up.
Anya: "Thorin, where are you? Please come out, I know you are here, somewhere! Please, we need to talk. Thorin!"
My voice echoed around the place but no sign of Thorin, where is he? Tears blurred my vision, the last 24 hours of what had occurred began to weigh me down. Unable to hold back I sat down on the cold pile of gold, tears flowed freely down my cheeks. Thorin! I felt so alone here for some reason, I did not like this. I hugged my legs against my chest & decided to wait. Then I heard something behind me, I whipped my head around to look, nothing. Still I slowly stood up, this place is haunted with many memories. Both good & bad! I called out Thorin's name again, no response! Seriously, where did he go to? I shall get myself lost in this place if I went to look for him. Although most people would feel overwhelmed by just standing here, gold beneath your feet but I felt cold. Dragon-sickness, ugh! My mind was elsewhere when suddenly a hand covered my eyes & an arm across my waist. They pulled me against his familiar chest, his warm breath against my neck, kissing my skin.
Thorin:(Chest rumbling)"Here I am, my Ghiveshel. Always."
Anya:(Sighing)"Oh God! Thorin, don't scare me like that. I was getting so worried."
Quickly turning in his arms to hug him, fiercely & he clasped me to him, burying his face in my hair. My body began to tremble as I buried my face against his shoulder. The dwarf held me even closer to him, kissing my neck, hungrily. We just stood there in each other's arms. Then he removed his arms & his hands grasped me by my waist to turn me around. But keeping me close to his chest, he pointed to the treasure by sweeping his arm. His warm breath close to my ear.
Thorin: "Welcome, my love, behold the treasure hoard of King Thror. Welcome to the Kingdom of Erebor, my Armâlimê. Anya Hadin, daughter of Andon Hadin II. Descendent of Andon Hadin, son of Orion Hadin, son of Wildon Hadin. My Queen!"

1333 words!

Whew! Not sure how did do! Next chapter, a fair warning, mature content. Going to do it for the first time. Enjoy!😍😵 💖💏

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