Sometimes they stayed together for months, other times just a few days and Camila didn't know if she could wait months just to be with Lauren again. Her mouth already craved the taste of her and her body was aching for a simple touch. She fiddled with her fingers and crossed her legs tightly. She wondered if Lauren could come to see her before making it official with Zayn again. That's what she had done the last time.

She wondered if Lauren ever craved her as much as Camila did for her. She had to have with how passionate she was when they were together. Lauren held nothing back and the look in her eyes when she took Camila caused shivers to run down her spine at the amount of need in them. She had to have wanted Camila just as much.

Camila really just wanted a taste.

She went through the rest of her class with a flushed face, legs crossed tightly and her lower lip in between her teeth. By the time lunch time rolled around her panties were ruined. She quickly took a seat across from Niall and Normani. She smiled at them with a cheerful greeting that they both returned before going back to their conversation. Camila watched them silently as she ate her sandwich, patiently waiting for Lauren to join them.

She didn't have to wait long before the other girl was sliding into the seat next to her, Zayn right beside her which wasn't surprising. Zayn greeted the others and immediately joined into their conversation. Lauren only nodded to them before glancing at Camila with a smirk. Camila smiled shyly back at her before turning towards her tray.

She couldn't keep her eyes away though, and once everyone was in deep conversation she turned her attention back to Lauren. Camila bit her lip, stomach turning into knots as she watched Lauren open her can of soda and take a large sip before picking up her fork. Just being this close to the older girl made her hot.

"Lauren." She tried to keep her voice low, to not draw attention from the others. She only wanted Lauren's attention. Lauren only hummed in acknowledgement as she took another bite out of her salad. "I want to eat." She said and watched as Lauren's eyes widened and she gasped causing herself to choke on her salad. All eyes turned to her and Zayn reached up to pat her back. She swatted it away as she glared at him.

"What the fuck are all of you looking at?" she asked as she tossed her fork down, eyes on Niall and Normani who were staring at her. "You act like you've never seen someone choke before!" she yelled as she whipped her mouth while Camila bit her lip and stared at the pink tint going across Lauren's face. It's not like they haven't fooled around in school before but neither of them had ever brought it up in front of the others, even if it had been a whisper that could have meant anything. So she wasn't all that surprised at Lauren's dramatic reaction.

"Yeah but we never seen you choke before." Normani said with still a look of shock on her face and a hint of worry.

"Yeah but we never seen you choke before." Lauren mocked, her voice high and Normani's eyes narrowed as her chin dropped.

"I do not talk like that!" She defended before looking over at Niall. "I don't talk like that, right...?" She whispered to him though the whole table could still hear her, and he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey guys! What I missed?" Shawn asked with a goofy grin as he quickly sat down on the other side of Camila.

"Nothing much. Lauren was just choking on food. Why are you so late?" Niall asked with a small chuckle and Shawn went into a whole story about an incident he had with another student in the hallway before lunch. Camila took the time to look back at Lauren only to find darkened eyes on her already. She could see the wheels turning in her head. Camila smiled back sweetly before reaching over and putting her hand on Lauren's thigh. She felt her tense under the touch. She gave it a squeeze before moving it higher as she leaned towards Lauren's ear.

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