Chapter 5

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Once we were done I got changed in a different outfit.

Once we were done I got changed in a different outfit

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"By the way dont get weirded out that my hair changed colors

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"By the way dont get weirded out that my hair changed colors. I have powers like you. So its not that shocking. I have all of your powers and now how to use them properly unlike you'll. Tell that to the boys to."

"Holy shit thats purple." Se hun said.

I sighed.

"You can be really dumb sonetimes Se hun. Just tell them. Its lunch so you have time to tell them. I need to go bill a brick wall so fans will stay away. Bye."

They each kissed me on the lips then on my neck. I waved them off and went outsid. I grabbed the bricks and cement and start to build a wall on both side of the door. Once done i threw the remaining cement and bricks away. I put a roof over the little brick pathway. I went inside and into the dancing studio. Everyone looked dumbstruck. They stood up and began to stand up and smell Se hun and Lay. Then they all gasped.

"You did it with her didnt you?" Suho said.

"If by her you mean me yes they did while I was getting changed the locker room."

They all jumped back and screamed from being scared. I rolled my eyes. My eyes glowed red and then my hair turned red.

 My eyes glowed red and then my hair turned red

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"Hm red. Always like this color reminds me of blood. As for you'll you should really lighten up some. Especially you DO now that they know you can stop glaring."

Lu han came running at me and jumped on me. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I pinched his cheeks.

"Aigoo. Your so cute nothing like the others."

He laughed a little. He licked his lips. I tapped my right shoulder.

"Go ahead."

His fangs came out and he bit my shoulder. I moaned a little and the boys groaned. I pet Lu han's head. Once Luhan was done he licked up the trail of blood and my shoulder healed. I ruffled Luhans hair and sat him down. I pinched his cheeks again

"Aigoo. Your adorable."

I wrapped my arm on his shoulder and walked over to the boys with him.

"Some of you already knew what I was but some of you didnt. The one who knew before they told you stand next to me and Luhan."

Suho and DO stood up and walked over to us

"Wow I guess your leader is smart. Of course he wouldnt me around you if he didnt know who I was. But DO he knew way before any of you. The glares he gave me was to trick you that he hated me but he doesnt."

I unwrapped my arm around Luhans shoulder.

"Luhan knew when I protected him from getting punched cause he sensed my anger and power mixing."

DO stood next to me and kissed my neck, shoulder, and cheek.

"Yah not now after I talk. Boundaries. I may be you'lls mate but I need at least a little time before another sex session. You'll drink way to much blood when you get in the moment. Especially you Se hun. Lay was barely biting me but you were biting me everywhere. So today you'll get blood. DO you dont really bite me much so Im fine with that when we're having sex. But today no sex."

"Wait when did you and DO..."

"Do it. While back when we first met. He was in a hurry to have me. Aigoo look at him blushing. Grow up. Your the one who forced yourself on me but I went with it. You were neither gentle or greedy but you were ruff. Does it embarrass you that the boys know how you are when it comes to me."

He immediately walked to the corner of the room and faced it.

"Oh my it does embarrass you. Oh poor DO its nothing to be ashamed about you were very whats the word pleasing. Aright Ill stop teasing you so come back and sit down. I have to go somewhere but ill be back to talk to you'll some more."

I left them and walked outside. Their I met...

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