Chapter 11

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I saw that it was clearly Sammy's face. It had to be, because it covered all his main features and went right down tot the finer deatails too. The monster defianitely must have stolen Sammy's life, there was no other sensible explanation. There were a handful of unensible explanations, but I didn't want to get down to those.

"Hello, it's me.", 'Sammy' said, "It's me, Sammy. My life wasn't stolen or used, it's really me. This is how I've always been". I didn't believe him for a bit, but I definately sounded like him. I couldn't get tricked, becuase I needed to kill it. I had to.

"I don't believe you. You're trying to trick me, aren't you? I'm not going to talk any longer, becuase I want my parents now!", I shouted. I don't know why I was shouting, but I just felt like it. I made a lunge at it, but it dodged the blade. I slashed at it a few more times, but the monster dodged them all. I tried to do a 'jump hit', if that's what you call it, like in the movies. I missed again, and even worse- my schoolbag dropped with the gem in it. The bag rolled along the ground, and the gem fell out.

"You still have it?", said the monster, "Where did you find it?"

I tried to stop the gem from rolling too close to the monster so it didn't steal it. The monster grabbed it. I slashed at its hand, in the attempt of chopping of its hand. Instead a bright light shone on my sword. I hit the gem by mistake, I hoped it wasn't broken. I light filled the room, and I couldn't see. I was blinded in the light. Then I felt something hit me, and then I got this strange feeling. I was full of power.

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