Chapter 8

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The sword was still in my hands. It was as big as in the dream. I knew now what it was. It was hard to believe, though, that the girl that I met has been there for that long. Five-hundred years was a very long time to be stuck in a forest. That stone, as well, was also very shocking. I think I see what it does though. it gets everything you got from the dream and when you wake up you still have it. I had a lot to think about. The first thing before I kill that monster is that I need to master the sword. it was very heavy, as I stood up. It was like a real sword.

I think maybe later I fall asleep again and try finding more people to ask about the monster and the forest and Castlia City. For some reason I keep going there. I've heard about Castlia City when I was younger. My friends used to tell me that in this game this place was the place where the main baddie is. It does sound very familiar. Maybe the next time I fall asleep it will be the last time I see, or hear, of the monster again. I walked into the kitchen, expecting my mother to be there, but I saw nobody. I walked upstairs and checked in her room, but still nobody. I walked into the living room, also I saw nobody. I checked every room in the house. Not even my father was home. This was scary. My parents weren't there. I was alone. I've been alone in my house many times, but I was at least told if they went. It was night, so I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

I didn't dream anything tonight. I forgot what my dream was, but I know it wasn't to do with what's happened recently. I didn't go anywhere. I looked in all the rooms again and my parents still weren't there. I called the police, but the phone was cut-off. I went outside and banged on my neighbour's doors, but they wouldn't answer. None of them were in. I ran in the house and got my sword. I noticed a button on it. It wasn't there before. I pressed it and the sword shrunk into a dagger. Not literally, but it did shrink. I could fit it into my school-bag, so I took the bus to school.

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