"I love you," Niall whispers against my lips. I open my eyes and look into his. I can see the honesty in them. He actually meant it. 

"I love you too. More than you think," I whispered back. He leans in and finally connects our lips together. His soft, gentle lips moving in sync with mine. Our kiss didn't last that long, but I liked it better that way. For some reason I feel like the short sweet kisses are more romantic than the long ones where you're out of breath right after. Although, I do like both when I'm kissing Niall. 

"So, what now?" Niall asks, setting a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean into his touch and kiss his hand. 

"How about we go to the store and buy some snack so that we can watch a movie on the projector in my awesome attic room?" I ask. Niall quickly nods.

"Race you to the car!" Niall yells, already getting a head start. 

"Damn you Niall," I groan as I race after him. 

We walk through the automatic doors to the grocery store earning glares from people. Wow, isn't that just dandy? Niall grabs a hold of my hand and quickly switches me to his opposite side. I give him a questioning look and he just shrugs before leaning into my ear. 

"That guy was checking your ass out and I didn't appreciate it. That's for me to do," Niall growled. 

"What guy?" I ask. 

"You seriously don't know?" Niall asked in return. I shook my head. "Damn it Giselle! Half of the guys working here are drooling whilst looking at your perfectly rounded bum," Niall rolled his eyes annoyed. He shot a guy a glare before looking down at me. 

"Oh," was all I could say.

"You seriously didn't notice?" Niall asked in disbelief. He huffed out a breath of air. 

"No. Why should I when you're the only one I notice?" I answered back. A smile tugged on his lips before he placed a kiss on my head. 

"You're amazing," he mumbled as we made our way to the chips aisle. 

"So we have Lays, Hot Cheetos, or Doritos," I say, eyeing the rows of bags filled with chips. 

 "Can't we just take all of them?" Niall asks, his voice small. I laughed and he looked down, embarrassed. 

"You have just read my mind. Stuff the cart!" I exclaimed and started dumping bags of chip inside it. 

"Oh my God, Giselle!" Niall yelled. "That's way too much! I don't have that kind of money!" He ran towards me and lifted me from my waist, spinning me around. I fell in a fit of giggles. I removed strands of hair out of my face and straightened myself up once he finally let go. Niall started putting bags back on the shelves. I was about to help when I saw a figure stand by me. I looked up at the person and my breath hitched. Niall noticed and turned to face the person standing in front of me. 

"Oh my God. It really is you," he gasped. "Giselle. I found you!" I took a step back.

"Damien. What are you doing here?" I breathed out. Niall held onto me, still not knowing what was going on. 

"Shopping for food, silly," he replied.

"How can you even act like that towards me?" I ask, not looking at him. I can't or else I'll break faster than I wanted to. 

"Like what?" Damien asks, innocently. 

"Don't you fucking play games with me. You know what you did!" I raised my voice. Someone stands behind him, taking away my attention. 

"Hey babe? Did you want guacamole or salsa?" she asks. At this point I'm fuming. 

"You left us for her?" I asked, not completely believing it. 

"What is she talking about?" The girl asked. 

"Your douche of a boyfriend left my brother and I with our abusive father!" I exclaimed. Niall soon caught on to what I was saying and squeezed my hand. The girl looked at Damien and shook her head. 

"No, he wouldn't do that," she replied. Damien didn't look at either of us. He just stayed put, staring at the polished tile. 

"Oh, but he did. And you know what Michael did to me, Damien?" Damien looked up at me, curious as to what I was saying. 

"He raped me," I choked out. 

"What?" Damien breathed out. 

"You heard me. He raped me and sent me to prostitution houses. He abused Izzy and I," I sobbed and Niall pulled me into a hug. I lazily wrapped my arms around his torso as he snaked his protective ones around my shoulder. Damien tried to come towards me, but Niall stopped him. 

"And who are you to be separating me from my sister?" Damien asks. 

"Her boyfriend," Niall replies. 

"What? Giselle, you're here blaming me for leaving you for my girlfriend when you did the exact same?" Damien scoffs.

"No, it's different than that," I say, shaking my head. 

"How so? Okay. If it is then where the fuck is Izzy?!" He yells.

"He's with our foster mom, okay?!" I yell out angrily. He looks down. 

"You mean to say... you guys got adopted?" I nod my head. "Where's Michael?" 

"I ran away from him. Well actually, we ran away from him," I smile, looking up at Niall. "Niall helped us run away from him. He was going to shoot Niall, so I took the bullet for him. He got my ribs, but it was nothing too serious. I did have to stay in the hospital, though. And when I was in pain, Niall was there to help. Izzy absolutely adores Niall. Anyway, Michael got arrested and Izzy and I spent sometime at the department where Niall is living right now. Anne wanted to adopt us so she did and now we're living with her. Michael is going to spend the rest of his miserable life in jail. You left us Damien. You left us when we needed you most. You were supposed to be our rock, but I somehow had to do it myself, for Izzy. The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future. But even then, it wasn't that simple to forget about the past. About what you did to us. And remembering was the hardest part of it all," I said my voice getting quieter at the end. Damien just stared at me, not saying a word.

"Don't you see, Damien? You're just like him. You've become just like Michael," I whispered. I tugged on Niall so that we could get going. He hesitated at first, but started walking with me.

"Giselle, wait!" Damien ran down the aisle and gripped my arm. I winced as he held tightly on my healing cuts. He looked down and his face fell. I quickly felt insecure and turned around.

"I'm tired of waiting," I whispered. 

"Giselle, please!" Damien pleaded. "I'm sorry!" He yelled. 

I put a hand over my mouth and let out a sob as a final tear rolled down my cheek.

A/N: Updateeeee! Figured I needed to spice the story up a bit, so I came up with this! DUN DUN DUN. Haha. Thanks for getting me to 3k reads! I seriously can't thank you enough! I love you so much! Thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment. xoxo -A

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