~ Guidelines ~

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Hi guys!

I am so excited to start this "book" and I hope you will like it!

Just a few guidelines I have to address....

1. I will not include your username unless you would like me to

2. I want to HELP people not STALK them 

3. If you don't feel comfortable with telling me your struggle, then you don't have to. Personal stuff is yours. Not mine.

4. If you would some advice then please go to "Inbox" on Wattpad and send me a message saying what your situation is

5. "Advice and Life...." is a book looking into what others are going through and will hopefully give you knowledge on what to do if you are in that situation. This is NOT a book where you are to judge others...

There are the guidelines, and they may change over the course of this book.

Anyway, if you have a struggle or situation that you need help or support on then send me a message.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned ;)

Over & Out 

- simk83 -

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