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If i fall in love again

I would never be the same

Falling for the first time was a mistake

Falling for the second time is a risk

Would i risk it all?

Or would i just go with the flow

Let it be and fall again.

But if i do would it be worse than the first?

Or would it be splendid and much more exciting?

Will i hurt?

Will i hate?

Will i resist?

Will i deny?

And lastly would i just fall?

And will i love...AGAIN?

So many questions without any answer

So many risks to take

And so many chances are made...



(abe tell me you're just joking please? you're not doing this to me-to us are you?) i said in the urge of fighting back my tears. i don't want to cry. not in front of him. i've heard the rumors but i didn't believe them.

(why would i joke on a time like this? What we have righ tnow and back then is finished. we're over ace. i love renée already and i know you've already heard the rumors and all of them are true.) he said that while looking at me straight in my eyes. i think any time i'm going to explode with millions of tears because my heart was just broken into a million pieces.

(no...no abe! i know your lying! please.... don't-don't waste the relationship we have. i love you so much.. i can't loose you) i said then i hugged him. i felt something heavy on my chest. i think this will be the last time i will be able to hug him.

(i'm sorry ace but i just don't love you anymore. i'm really sorry) after he said that he pulled himself away from me and started to walk away... i tried.... i really tried to caught up to him but i wasn't looking to where i've been running so i tripped...

(abe! please~ don't-don't leave me) i said while i sat on the ground like a poor little kid who got lost in the woods crying for someone to help me up.

after that i ran home as fast as i can then locked myself up in my room. my parents started to wonder why i'm acting like a child. i didn't want to eat. i didn't want to sleep. because everytime i try to sleep i dreamt what happened to us. my parents almost sent me to the doctor because of the sudden change in me. i told them everything's fine i'm not just in the mood and i just felt a little cold going on. they believed me but my mother told me to drink medicine. but i didn't. i told my parents that i'm not going to school for a week cause i still don't feel better.

after a week i told myself before going to school that everything will change.


(Hey ace hurry up will you! we're going to run out of tables in the canteen!) Julie screamed. she and sylvia was waiting for me near the classroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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