After a few minutes of silence London asked. "So, have you met anyone?"

Laney pretended to smile brightly. "Yes I have. He's wonderful".

A tightness seized my chest and I had to loosen my tie. Pure, bitter rage roiled through my insides as I thought of having the man killed. Then Laney was curious herself about me and broke me from my thoughts when she asked. "What about you?"

I smiled "You know me".

Laney rolled her eyes "Yes, I know you".

"Laney please don't".

"Don't what London? I'm just saying".

"What..what are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying" Laney stopped and didn't complete her sentence. "Dinner is over".

She stood and looked down at me

. "Contact me when you're ready to show me the land". With that she walked out leaving me sitting there.

As she got into her waiting car she finished the sentence she had stopped. Softly she whispered "I'm just sayin you could have had me".

"Are you fucking talking to yourself?" A voice echoed through the window.

Laney jumped at the sound of my voice and looked out the window. "I told you dinner was over".

"Yea, and..." I shrugged.

"And what London, what more do you want me to say?" She hissed.

"I don't know, maybe just talk". I said softly.

Laney slung the car door open and told her driver it would be a moment. "So you want to talk? What do you want to talk about London? Oh I got it, let's talk about how you got a girl's hope's up just to crush them" Laney stuck her hands in front of my
face making crunching motions.

"Let's talk about how you was like promising to keep in touch just to bail". As she went on her impulsive rant she started walking along waving her arms everywhere, not caring who saw or that she looked crazy.

I had no choice but to follow her along the NY night streets. "Let's talk about how you told a girl what she wanted to hear just to get her in bed". She snarled.

Laney's heel caught in a crack in the sidewalk pissing her off more. Filled with frustration, she took her heels off and continued to walk as I grimaced, "Laney, you don't want to walk on these streets shoeless".

"I do what I want" Laney yelled.

"That's your whole problem Laney, and no I didn't just do all that to get you in bed. I admit, I ran, but not for the reasons you're thinking. I fucked up okay". I defended myself.

Laney stormed over to me and stood on her tip toes trying to get eye level with me but failing. She said between gritted teeth. "I just want to hit you, beat the shit out of you".

I couldn't contain my laughter and busted out laughing. I'd never seen so much anger come out of something so small. I could see her getting angrier as I laughed. Then I noticed her hand curl into a tight ball and start to swing out. I was prepared this time and caught her hand mid swing. "Not this time babydoll. Enough of this shit".

Grabbing her wrist I applied just enough pressure to make her wince. I had to do something to get her under control and off the busy streets and prying eyes. Continuing to grasp her wrist, I turned her around and placed my hand on her back and starting walking. To anyone we looked like a normal couple passing by now.

Double Standards (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now