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Yuu's POV:

Spoons go here, forks there, and plates up there.

I rushed to get finished with the chore that needed to be done before I could leave.

"Yuu sure is working hard today," Yoichi said as he wiped down a table.

"It's a miracle," Shinoa grinned as she washed the final few dishes. "I wonder what's gotten into him,"

"I think he said he was going to see his boyfriend today," Yoichi said loudly enough for me to hear, joining in on the teasing he rarely took part in.

"Oh that's right!" Shinoa snickered.

I rolled my eyes, a faint blush dusted my cheeks. "Fuck off," I put the last dish back in it's place.

"Pining Yuu-chan is fun to tease," Yoichi giggled.

I glared at Shinoa "You did this to him,"

Shinoa shrugged and smirked.

I huffed "Well that's all I have to do for today so, see you guys tomorrow, love you!" I raced out the door.

"Did he just say 'love you'?" Shinoa laughed.

Yoichi smiled "How sweet, he must not be thinking straight because of Mikaela,"

"Mhm, he's definitely not thinking straight,"


The adrenaline that started surging through me let me sprint all the way to the park.

My heart beating quickly from the exercise and from anxiety. The latter causing an unpleasant feeling to start at the pit of my stomach.

It's not that we hadn't met up like this before, it's just that something about this situation felt different, very different. And I'm not sure if I liked it.

I started to look for Mika in the large area that was the park. This large area was covered in trees, a pond at the center of it all, and a run down playground, graffitied with gang symbol, angsty teenage quotes, and stepped on too often by muddy shoes and touched with sticky fingers, on one of the sides. The side which I had entered, and the side where I found the beautiful blond boy swinging slowly on the worn out swing that looked like it was very near falling apart, almost like the boy sitting on it who was alone and seemingly deep in thought.

I walked up to him slowly and tapped his head "You doing all right?"

He blinked then looked up at me, a faint blush on his cheeks, he nodded. "Yeah I'm fine,"

I sat in the swing adjacent to Mika's. "So any specific reason you wanted to hang out?" I asked, the unpleasant feeling still bubbling in my stomach causing me to ask the question so suddenly.

Mika opened his mouth to speak then shook his head "N-no sorry I just wanted to vent? Or talk? I don't know," He looked down at the dirt.

I nodded "What would you like to vent about?"

Mika breathed out through his mouth "Well... I don't know... school's stupid,"

I smiled "Tell me about it,"

"And people are too,"

"They sure are,"

"They judge and pick on you and really lower down your already pretty low self esteem,"

"They do that, it really sucks,"

"It sucks a lot," He sighed "It really sucks when they start bothering you more than every other day...when they tell your parent before you're prepared to come out to them yourself like you had planned for a long time,"

I simply nodded.

"Why are people like this? Why can't they just stop sucking and-" He paused "I'm sorry I'm rambling, I...I just I don't know,"

"It's okay," I smiled softly.

"Still, enough of my rambling. Let's hear yours. How do people in your life suck?"

I looked ahead "Well see, I love my dads a lot, and it may sound cheesy and like something from some older movie but they're the best guardians anyone could ask for. Even if they're bossy and strict. But you know sometimes people aren't very open minded, they're raised to think a certain way and only that way. And so they say things about my dads that suck. They say things about me that suck. They say things about my friends that suck. The things they say and the things they do really suck,"

"People just suck,"

"Yeah they do," I chuckled.

"But some of them don't I suppose, take yourself for example," He looked over at me.

I looked back at him "Thanks, you don't suck either,"

We stared at each other for a moment. Something we tended to do quite often. Something that reminded me of the "butterflies" that fluttered around in my stomach that I wanted to get rid of so badly.

"Yuu..." Mika averted his eyes from my gaze, breaking our fixed eye contact.


"You don't suck at all...and that's why...well I..." He stuttered, his face turning redder with each word he managed to get out.

Color started to spread over my cheeks as well "G-go on,"

"I like you a lot," He blurted out. "Romantically,"

Now I was blushing madly "Mika...I...I like you too,"

Again we looked into each other's eyes and my stomach filled with butterflies. And this time I very much welcomed the butterflies. I was excited for the moments where I'd get them like how I was getting them now, not because of worry but because of romantic stuff like looking into each other's eyes, kissing, and simply being present in each other's lives.



The title's really weird but *shrugs*

Oh god I'm really bad at updating.

Forgive me dear readers 😅 I honestly don't have much of an excuse other than I was 😮 being a social little shit.

But ah anyways how has your week gone? Honestly talk to me, I have no life and I'll respond in like a few minutes.

(Feel free to correct me on anything I may have done wrong or anything you think I should change! Criticism is welcome!)


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