"Beautiful" Creation

411 24 18

Yuu's POV:

I have romantic feelings for him.

I thought once more as I looked at the angelic boy resting his head on my shoulder, and the theater lights slowly began to brighten.

I nudged him lightly. "Mika,"

He opened his eyes slowly and let out a quiet (and adorable) yawn. "Did I fall asleep?"

I nodded. "I can't blame you though, the movie sucked,"

He laughed, stretching and yawning still. "Sorry you had to go through it alone,"

"Don't worry I had these idiots to entertain me with their sexual tension," I joked, pointing my thumbs over at the rest of our friends.

"You talk as if you and sleeping beauty over there didn't have any," Kimizuki pushed up his glasses as he stood up, obviously a bit flustered.

"Yeah I could just feel it from here, the nuzzling was so hot wasn't it, babe?" Shinoa said sarcastically.

"Definitely but I think how Yuu kept stroking his face was the part when things really got steamy," Mitsuba snickered.

"I did not!" I blushed profusely.

Mika laughed. "You guys are all wrong, personally I think things had already started heating up when I leaned in on him," He winked.

If it was even possible my face grew more heat and color. "You guys are the worst,"

"We love you, Yuu," Shinoa stuck her tongue out at me.

"Hah well it was nice meeting you Mikaela," Mitsuba smiled brightly at him as we walked out of the mall theater and out to the parking lots.

"Take care of our Yuu-kun," Yoichi waved.

"Drive safely and fuck safely," Shinoa yelled as we walked to his car. "Safe fucking is important kids!"

"Your friends sure are interesting," Mika chuckled as he started driving, returning everyone's frantic and overly ridiculous waves with a small polite wave.

"Yeah...interesting," I laughed.

"Still, it must be nice having people like that with you," He said quietly.

"I guess," I looked over at him.

He looked over at me for a brief second "Sorry if it came out wrong I'm just glad you have people who'll really take care of you," He smiled.

"Yeah, and hey," I punched his shoulder playfully "I have you too,"

He smiled "Yes you do, and I have you as well,"

After that a comfortable silence swept over us.

I looked up at the sky through the window, staring up at the stars. Occasionally I looked back at Mika, who concentrated on driving.

The inky black night sky was dotted with stars, that seemed to shine brighter this particular night; the moon was crescent shaped, shining equally (if not more) as bright as the stars surrounding it.

I looked back at Mika.

The sight of the sky was nothing compared to sight of this boy.

His hair fell to his neck, golden and bright, due to the lighting. His eyes had both a glint from the moon light and a glint of emotion I couldn't quite place.

We arrived shortly to my house.

"This was a lot of fun," Mika said as I got out of the car.

"Yeah it was, I'm pretty sure they liked you too," I smiled "We'll definitely be inviting you to the next outing,"

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