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Yuu's POV:

I looked around at all the bright orange and red colors of autumn, listening carefully to each of the quiet noises made by the small animals and the wind blowing gently on falling leaves. After today's horrible events at school I felt like I deserved this moment of serenity. I breathed in the fresh air, this was peaceful.

Key word: was.

"Yuu-kun!" Yoichi called as him and Shinoa ran towards me.

I sighed "Hey you guys," I waved unenthusiastically. I mean don't get me wrong I love my friends, just not when they barge in at times when I prefer to be alone.

"Hey klutz wanna go to the mall with us?" Shinoa smirked.

I rolled my eyes "Weren't you ranting about the horrible ethics of malls and how money hungry all the business owners are? What's with the sudden change of heart?"

"Oh that's because her ex-" Yoichi started but was cut off by Shinoa elbowing him in the side.

I grinned. "What were you about to say Yoichi?"

Shinoa sent a death glare towards Yoichi, and like a puppeteer, made him shake his head. "J-just pretend I didn't say anything!"

"Whatever you say," I snickered.

"L-let's just go," Shinoa folded her arms and started to lead us to the nearby mall.


"Wouldn't it be easier to spy on your ex on your own?" I asked as I sipped my overly sweetened milkshake.

Shinoa was holding up binoculars and watching a girl with golden hair and purple eyes from behind a column.

"You guys are going to be very helpful in just a few minutes," She said as she put down the binoculars and turned to us. "I need one of you two to disguise yourself as just a regular costumer and the other to pull a string,"

"Shinoa-kun are you sure this is a good idea?" Yoichi asked seeming a bit nervous.

"Of course it is!" Shinoa put her hands on her hips and bared a sly grinned. "Now Yoichi go up there and distract her by ordering something complicated,"

"Does that mean I pull the string?" I asked.

"Mhm, if it isn't too complicated for your simple brain to handle," She snickered. "Now remember don't pull it until I say go, do I need to repeat any instructions,"

"Pull on the string when you say go gotcha," I nodded with an unamused expression.

"All right let's do this!" Shinoa grinned and literally shoved Yoichi and I into action.

I, not so sneakily walked over to the string by a corner, being barely hidden by a large plant. While Yoichi awkwardly walked over to the Smoothie Bar.

Shinoa was watching for the perfect moment to and Yoichi tried to, and might I add was quite terrible at, make conversation with the target. I yawned and looked around the mall, bored with the whole scene being uneventful at the moment.

"Yuu? What are you doing?" I recognized the sweet voice almost immediately and turned to my side to see the boy from the flower shop, Mikaela Tepes.

"Just helping a friend," I shrugged, trying not to show how pathetically flustered I was from just his presence.

"By hiding behind a plant?"

"It's kind of a long story,"

"I can imagine," He smiled, damn him and his perfect distracting  smile.

"Yeah so uh, what are you doing here?" I titled my head to the side, trying hard to keep the conversation going.

"Ah well see my mom dragged me here," He looked around "Speaking of which..."

"Did you lose her?" I chuckled.

"Maybe..." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Hey do you mind if I use your phone for a sec?"

"Sure," I handed it to him, assuming he was going to use it to call his mom to find her. By this pointI had completely forgotten about Shinoa's revenge plan, too distracted by the gorgeous boy in front of me.

After typing something in, he gave it back to me and started to jog away.

"I'll see you around!" He yelled from over his shoulder.

"See ya!" I yelled back, I looked down at my phone to see a new contact was typed in. I smiled at the name 'Mika' above what I assumed was his phone number. Feeling a weird constraining heat starting in my stomach and slowly creeping up to my chest as I kept staring at the name on the screen.

"Yuu!" A small distressed voice called, breaking me out of my trance.

I looked around and noticed that Yoichi was frantically waving at me and motioning towards behind the bar at the shack it seemed.


"What do you mean what?!" Shinoa yelled,  the sound of glasses being broken followed. "Just go!"

The cue?

Without thinking it through any further, I pulled on the string and an unknown liquid substance hung from a bucket atop the shack tipped over and spilled whatever was inside of it.

High pitched screams were heard, and I ran over to the spot where Yoichi was standing with his hands over his mouth and wide eyes.

That's when I realized exactly what I had done.

Shinoa was on top of the girl and covered in the weird pinkish liquid. She was shaking with anger as she stood up, completely silent, looking down and her hair falling over her face.

"Shit...shit...shit!" I panicked. "I'm sorry Shinoa!"

She didn't say anything as she slowly walked out from the shack and stood next to us, still looking down.

"Let's go home," She murmured and started walking away from the scene.

We didn't hesitate to follow and neither of us talked as we made our way to Yoichi's apartment, the closest one to the mall.


Shinoa was showering while Yoichi and I sat next to each other on his couch.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well..." Yoichi sighed. "Shinoa gave the signal but you weren't listening so she was about to go and pull it herself or yell at you or something, and Mitsuba saw her and called her over. They started arguing and yelling at each other.  They even started to hit each other and Shinoa broke a couple of plates. Finally Mitsuba had said that Shinoa was the one in the wrong and explained her side of the story on things. Then Shinoa yelled those things and here we are,"

"Geez..." I looked down.

"Yeah," Yoichi nodded "I just hope she's okay,"

"I'm fine,"

We turned our heads to see Shinoa wearing Yoichi's clothes, even though Yoichi was quite small his clothes still looked a bit baggy on her, she was drying off her hair with a towel and sat down by us.

"Shinoa-" I started, but was cut off by Shinoa who yelled at me.

"What were you doing when I yelled 'go'?!" She hissed.

"I..." I look to the side, a bright pink coloring coming to my cheeks "Was getting someone's phone number..."

I just reached 101 followers so that's cool! Thank you to anyone that follows me and such! And to you too reader!
Feel free to give me criticism or suggestions.

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