Chapter 3 - The Angels That Dont Stop

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POV - Sherlock Holmes
How could a statue kill a human being in less than a second, and dispose of the body without any evidence? It was the first case that I really couldn't understand. John and I rode in the back of Mycroft's government car, as I entered my Mind Palace. I searched for useful evidence from past cases, but nothing helped me understand this case. It wasn't possible.
"Sherlock, are you having trouble?" My brother teased. I refused to answer him, which simply made him smile even more. There's something extremely irritating about that man, as intelligent as he is.
"Who dresses up as an Angel Statue? And even more confusing is the fact that the statue had its eyes covered, so it wouldn't have known when to attack!" I grunted in frustration. John and Mycroft looked at each other with looks of confusion too, and we rode in silence for the next few minutes until we arrived at the graveyard.

The graveyard was just like any other graveyard, except there was an odd feeling about it that made me feel uneasy. As if energy was being ripped straight out of the air. I scanned the area and noticed seven Angel statues on the other side of the church. That worried me, as there was only six on the video, but no new graves had been added. Why would you build a statue without a reason? I decided the only way to know was to look at them closer. I rushed over to one of the statues, and gave it a closer look. Now I was merely a meter away from it, and I could see every detail of its face. It was a real statue, no doubt about it. I decided to check the other ones to see if they were all real to. I checked number two, three, four, five and six. That was all of them. But I could've sword that there had been seven earlier. It was as if some of the statues were phasing out of existence.

"Mycroft?" I called, not taking my eyes of the statues, to make sure they weren't moving. I didn't get a reply. "Mycroft!" I called again. No reply. I turned around to make sure he was still here, and jumped out of my skin when I saw John stood right behind me.
"He's gone." John whispered, looking around. "Mycroft's gone."
"What happened, John, tell me exactly what happened!" I exclaimed, placing my head in my hands and pacing around.
"Well, I was stood with Mycroft when I began to count the Angels. I counted six, turned around to tell him and he'd disappeared. One of the Angels was stood exactly where Mycroft had been." John explained.
"You counted six?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?" John replied.
"There's nine." I whispered.

"Sherlock, we need to get out of here." John shouted, grabbing my arm and pulling me back to the car.
"The Angels move, how can the Angels move?!" I roared, allowing myself to be dragged along by John. Soon enough we'd reached the car, but it was locked. "John, count the Angels!" I commanded, as I tried to pry the car doors open. Mycroft had the keys, and it was a guarded government vehicle so our chances of breaking in were very low.
"Twelve." John gasped.
"Try again." I said.
"Fifteen. Eighteen. Twenty five! Oh god Sherlock, we've really got to go."
I knew I had no chance of getting into the car, so I spun around and looked at the graveyard. Now there were at least 60 Angels, and they were literally appearing out of thin air. I was seeing statues appear from nowhere.

"John, run!" I called, sliding over the bonnet of the car and sprinting across the several roads that we had to cross to get back to Baker Street. Every time I looked behind me, there were several Angels merely feet away from me, all with outstretched arms. They were no longer covering their eyes, and I could see them. They were haunting. Looking into their eyes made me want to run even faster than humanly possible. Soon enough we reached Baker Street, but the door was locked shut. I pulled and pushed on the handle frantically, but nothing worked.
"MRS HUDSON!" I bellowed, knocking my fist against the window. The Angels were gaining on us now. At this point, a car pulled up next to me and John. It was being driven by a young man in a tweed jacket and a bow tie, and a young redhead was sat in the passenger seat, wearing a red checked shirt. Another man was sat in the back but I couldn't get a good view of him. The driver lowered the window and clicked his fingers. The back doors opened.
"Get in." He said. "I can save you from the Angels."

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