I fall for Harry

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Lindsay's POV

surprisingly Harry hate ari how can that be??its like yesterday we were having fun and the two looked like they were friends

and now its all just an act!!

ariana stormed off and gone to her house while harry stayed and comforted me. harry's right we should forgive and forget,guess I will do it if im ready

"you alright?" harry asked "yeah im cool" I said as I looked into his beautiful eyes and he layed my face on his shoulder for me to rest on

then harry left when I felt better

*the next day*

I woke up having text messages from harry saying like good morning,feeling better and lastly meet me at toast 1 pm

I got excited and woke up in a good mood hugging everyone after an hour later liz came over and I hugged her

"why are you so...huggy?"liz asked

"I will go to toast later with.... guess who" I told her

"I dont know give me a clue" liz asked

"his british" I said "still dont know him" liz said

"harry styles!!!" I screamed "shut up, dont play with me linds" liz said "ok if you wont believe then dont" I said 

"ok we got to get ready what will you wear ?' liz asked

"im thinking of a dress" "oh here" liz said.

liz showed me a floral dress below the knee "I love it" I said

harry send me a text message pick you up at exactly 1pm

I replied ok so its 12:53 and I was waiting and eating then its 1pm I heard the door bell ring  

*ding dong*

I came outside and saw harry with his black v-neck shirt and a pants and a thick jacket smiling at me with his cute dimples

"hi" harry said "hey" I said "lets go?" harry asked I grabbed my white purse and harry assisted me to his car.

when I got inside.

the car was huge it has a t.v  its super big I closed the car door and I heard the right there song of ariana I remembered her being mad my face turned unhappy

"you ok?" harry asked "sure " "ok lets go" harry started the car I sing with the song

"cause yo know i'm never gonna change i'm always gonna stay you call for me im right there right there ,right there cause you listen and you care its all different no one compare and if you never change i'm gonna stay right there i'll always be right there ......."

"wow what a good voice just like your sis" harry said "shush" I said we arrived at toast I saw the boys niall,louis,zayn,liam are in the toast when I got down the car then the one d started playing thier song kiss you then at the last part harry gave me a neclace that has a letter H and L 

"a necklace!! what for?" I asked

"linds I love you" harry said I was super happy

"I love you too harry" I said smiling very wide like i'm super super happy 

"but I cant be you girlfriend yet"


"we have to date"

"ok" he said

we ate at toast then go somewhere just the two of us we went to the mall and went shopping then at 8:30 pm we wonder the park no one is in the park just the two of us cause its 8:30 no one goes out at this time usually they have dinner with thier family we walked around and feel the grass harry sat on the grass I reached my arm to help him stand up but instead he pulled me down he set up the cloth for us to sit on then we lay on our backs to look at the star and the moon

"so when will you say yes to me?" harry asked while holding my arm

"when its the right time" I giggled 

"so when is the right time?" he asked

"just when you make a move" I said

"ok"harry said after so we went to the car I recieved a call from ari that she wanted to see me at my house at 9:30 gosh its almost 9:30 its 9:17 we left the park harry drop me off then I kissed him on the cheeks then I said "see you bye"

"bye"he said 

when I came in the house I saw ariana sitting on our caoch talking to Aunt Gen


Lindsay Grande (Ariana Grande's secret twin)Where stories live. Discover now