Chapter 6

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Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?
Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?
Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?
Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?
Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?
He's sleeping again, thank goodness.
Me and Byeoljali had to clean wounds ourself, he wouldn't trust anyone else.
It was horrifying.
There was open wounds all over him, and from what I could see on the outside he had been damaged internally as well.
Some people would call us cleaning him even in those areas perverted, but to us it was like taking care of a son we couldn't have ourselves, and I hoped people would see it that way.
He had stood in the shower, wincing at the water in the cuts, and let us clean him. We had worn clothes obviously, and although they became soaked, we didn't care. Someone close to us that we had missed for those months was in need. We would help him.
When we got him out, Byeoljali had to stay with him so that he wouldn't panic.
Jumin had provided some clothes that were Yoosung's size - a plain top and tracksuit bottoms - and all other things he would need. When it came down to it, Jumin really did care for people.
He changed and sat on the bed while I dried his hair, cut it, and styled it. He jumped or flinched whenever a piece of hair was cut.
He shrieks a bit, making me jump, and clutches his head, but when he comes back to reality he realises I'm not harming him. He still jumps at each snip of the hair, but he seemed calmer now.
Helping Yoosung like this really made me realise the amount of terror he'd been through at this point. Surely Saeyoung was mentally unhealthy with the things he had found out about his boyfriend and his brother. I'd have to ask Jumin about a therapist or psychiatrist for him too.
Someone knocks on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Mr Ryu is here to see you"
I heard some murmurs from Zen saying about how they should call him Zen or Hyun.
I look at Yoosung who is sat in his clothes, cross legged sitting on the bed. He's looking at the covers, fiddling with a loose thread.
"Let him in."
There's a pause before the door opens, and Zen walks in.
"How's he doing?"
"Better than he could've been. Come sit."
Byeoljali pats the chair next to her, and he sits in it.
"Was it bad?"
I look back at Yoosung again and nod.
He looks up to see Zen. He flinches a little but calms down when he recognises him.
"Hey, Yoosung." Zen says, a warm smile spread across his face.
There's a tug at the corner of Yoosung's lips, and he looks down again, causing Zen to sigh.
"God, it's weird, I'm used to him going on about that game... I used to be so annoyed by that. Right now I'd give anything in the world to have him back."
Me and Byeoljali look at him, but he shakes his head a little.
"If you think I'm being emotional, Saeyoung is worse. He looks so worn down, I don't think he's slept properly for ages now," Yoosung tensed up at the name. "And Jihyun is trying to put all the blame on himself. He's so upset, it's horrible. Jumin is trying to help him out."
"We couldn't help it, I don't understand why he feels so guilty."
"Because it was Rika that apparently made Saeran like that, and Jihyun couldn't stop her in time, something like that."
"What do you mean by that?"
Zen sighed again. "Apparently Rika's mental problems took over, and he couldn't calm her down. She made this big cult thing, Mint Eye, and both Jihyun and Saeran were dragged into it. Rika made him blind, but he loved her so much. I don't know why I'm talking like it's in the past, I mean, she's still alive..."
"She's still alive?" Byeoljali looked up at Zen.
"Yeah, apparently so. I think she's in some mental ward now though."
The room stays silent for a while, and although no words came out of our mouths, our thoughts were full.
We didn't need words. We all knew we were all so grateful for Yoosung's return. All that was left now was putting back the pieces.
And all the people say,
You can't wake up,
This is not a dream,
You're part of a machine,
You are not a human being,
With your face all made up,
Living on a screen,
Low on self esteem so you run on gasoline.
Author's Note
OK so enjoy a new chapter it's been a while
Well it's been like 10 days
But still
I have something sad planned for next chapter
Character death possibly
You can kill me if you would like
Aiko out~!

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