Chapter Three

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Alien Abduction

Chapter Thee

Strange New Home


                Being extremely tired, Ali wasn’t able to walk out of the white room, let alone stand. Instead, she was carried by the strange creature. She was still frightened, but the alien gave her a sense of security as she was carried up through halls and staircases, wrapped in a blanket that not only kept her warm, but concealed her, keeping her away from prying eyes that happened to wander in her direction.

                Ali had had enough attention for one day.

                Finally, after a long time of being carried, she was shifted over into one of the alien’s rather long arm of which everyone else back on Ali’s own planet would say was mostly muscle. She would believe it.

                Looking up from her fidgeting hands, Ali was amazed at what she saw. The room was dark, yet, on certain places in the wall, such as where the celling meets the wall and where the wall meets the floor, light emitted from strange, moving shapes in the wall, like a lava lamp from the seventies. The floor was covered in crumpled up paper, as if the alien had been writing a book, but hadn’t found the right words to say in it, just as Ali had done, but had used her laptop for her stories.

                Other than the paper, most of the room was bare, despite a piece of furniture in the room that almost looked like a sofa and a large screen built into the wall in front of it. Even the slightest little thing made Ali gasp in amazement, as if it could be her own home back on earth, yet with strange devices of which she didn’t understand at the time.

                The alien spoke strange words to Ali that she couldn’t understand. She knew it probably didn’t know her language, since most of the human race’s claims of being abducted by aliens had been just that; claims. Ali was probably one of the first to be on this place that seemed to be just one big apartment complex.

                The alien brought Ali halfway down a rather short hallway, letting a door slide open in front of them. Inside was a messy bed of where the covers and sheets were practically thrown off of the bed. The bed seemed to hover above the ground as if they were two negatively charged magnets being placed beside each other, but also couldn’t get too far away from each other.

                The alien set Ali on the floating bed, wanting her to be more comfortable with her surroundings. Her eyes scoured the room for something that seemed like it could be back on earth, other than the bed, despite the fact that it was floating. Sadly, that was not the case in this room other than the piling paper on the floor. Ali sighed, thinking of how much she missed home.


                Xalix changed his shirt to a cleaner one that didn’t have an ink stain on it, which had gotten on many of his shirts, along with food stains while he was trying to work and wasn’t trying to be careful when it came to food.

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