Chapter Two

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Alien Abduction

Chapter Two

Xalix’s Choice

                “Don’t push! You’ll all have your turn! But remember, first come, first served!”

                Xalix sighed, almost getting up the courage to try and leave the scene. He wasn’t allowed to, though. Years before, people had learned that certain species were in jeopardy of their race vanishing. Unfortunately, Xalix’s race was the tenth on the list, giving him the responsibility of trying to rebuild his species’ numbers without trying to kill his self first.

                His job wouldn’t allow him to do that though since Xalix had been working hard on his new book. As an author, Xalix needed to finish his book for his fans, not that he cared for any of them, though. At times, he wished that he would be able to just keep his books to himself because of everyone following him around when he was recognized. Writing would be much harder with someone to care for around. Perhaps he could teach someone his writing skills, but he doubted it. Xalix had already tried that with his best friend Mora, but that was a bad idea since Mora was drunk for most of the time when he wasn’t at work or with Xalix before most of the clubs got busy.

                “Next!” the guard called. The heavy set male looked down a Xalix in an intimidating way. “Name.”

                Xalix told the guard his name in a hushed whisper, the guard only nodding and not acknowledging that he knew the young author. “Proceed.”

                Xalix entered the chamber of unknown aliens, which reminded him of a prison of some sorts, because, for one, you couldn’t get out without a guard, and two, everything was locked. Just looking at the ground made Xalix shiver from the coldness of the chambers and whoever inhabited them.

                Most of the creatures were, indeed, female. But, all of the males were on the other side of the chamber, giving the females more privacy from them and giving the male aliens that had been on the station for some time an easier time on which one was male and which was female.

                Most of the aliens Xalix’s age had taken the first desirable alien they saw, not even taking a chance to go down the line of frightened specimens of which Xalix had passed. He wanted to see if there were any strange species further along than the normal ones by the entrance.

                Suddenly, he stopped and looked inside the cells of which caught his eye. Inside was a truly spectacular sight. The alien he saw now was so foreign and exotic. She was very delicate looking, almost as if she could snap at any moment if not handled carefully. She was extremely tiny, but she couldn’t be too young, for she looked matured.

                Not being able to see her face frustrated Xalix, but he did not give up on her. He looked at her hard, willing her to bring her face to turn to the glass of which separated them. Finally, she turned her head, blinking those blue eyes of which looked like water from a great ocean that he had seen from the station many times from the great planet they stayed close to.

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