Chapter 13- I give the deets over Gymnastics

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Emily's POV

Monday Morning

"Today we're doing gymnastics!" Coach Foyer yelled to the class earning multiple groans from the class.

We all sat on the blue 'yoga' matts attempting to copy Sir's positions.

"Why haven't you been answering my texts? I want to know how Friday went!" Amelia whisper-yelled. I looked at her guiltily before glancing at Shawn who was a few people behind me. He shyly smiled at me. I looked back at Amelia feeling flushed. She furrowed her eyebrows before looking over my shoulder.

"So?" Amelia asked. The answer was easy. I hadn't been answering her texts because well, I wasn't ready to tell her. I hadn't told her about my moments with Shawn. The fight between him and Niall, Harry, and Niall. Taking him home, the date..disaster with Niall and how Shawn made it one of my favourite nights. Shawn. She doesn't know anything about Shawn.

"I.." I trailed off looking over to Niall who was siting alone. He looked genuinely sad. His eyes looked swollen and had heavy bags under his eyes. He still managed to looked good. But had he been crying? Guilt was eating into my stomach like a hungry vicious lion..

"What's wrong? No body tells me anything!" Amelia sighed. I winced at that.

"The date was...horrible." I said truthfully.

"WHAT?!" Amelia yelled so loud that Coach Foyer glared at her and gave her a warning.
"What?" Amelia hissed again quieter.

I looked down not daring to make eye contact.
"This girl who worked at the cinemas, started flirting with him and I got all jealous and mad when he flirted back, then well the girl literally threw the drink at me.." My eyes threatened to spill tears, so I took a deep breath before continuing.
"And it exploded all over my dress. I stormed out and Niall defended the girl and turned out it was his sister then I walked home.." I lied.

"Wait, back it up. His sister?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah apparently it was part of Niall's plan to make me jealous but I insulted her straight of his face and he probably hates me now." I shrugged scratching my neck awkwardly. I snuck a glance at Shawn who was failing the position we were meant to do. He grinned at me, causing my stomach to do flips.

"Ew incest." Amelia looked disgusted.
"I'm sorry Em, he's a douche anyway."

"Yeah.." I trailed off. But Niall wasn't my first priority in my train of thoughts. Shawn. Shawn. Shawn.  He's actually an amazing guy. He's such a gentlemen and all those rumours were about his twin. I smiled. Niall wasn't the one after all. Shawn was. And I was pretty fine with that.
Days past with the usual get up, go to school, go home. I didn't talk to either Shawn or Niall, but Niall seemed to becoming himself again. Shawn was a different story. Diana started to call him out and basically make everyone hate him even more. She spread rumours about him trying to make a move on her or some nonsense.

I didn't believe it.

Shawn seemed out of it this Friday Morning. His hair was a mess and it looked like he put no effort in his clothes. I snuck away from Amelia to talk to him for him for the first time since the date night.

"Shawn?" I asked poking his back. He was leaning against a pole on his phone. He turned and weakly smiled at me.

"I'm sorry Emily, you shouldn't see me like this. Go back to your friend."

I wasn't going to give in that easily.
"You're obviously upset over something. Your eyes are blood shot. Is everything okay? You can trust me?" I smiled.

"I know, it's just, my brother's coming into town."

I froze. His brother Sean? The one who is everything what Shawn's rumours say about him. The guy who can beat you up and get away with it? The guy who takes advantage of vulnerable girls..


🤓you may kill me now for being inactive

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