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"Good Alex," Max Regnery said as the blonde completed the course Red had set up for afternoon lessons. "Did you see that, class? She set up Monte perfectly and cleared the course with no problem."

"Yes, and she tucked her arms in as well," snigger Stevie earning her a warning glare from Max.

"Alright, Carole, you next," Max said when Alex pulled her thoroughbred, Monte, up by the buckskin gelding Carole road.

"Hey Max?" Stevie then asked as Carole took off at a steady trot around the ring.

"Can't it wait Stevie?" He looked back briefly.

"Well its about Blake," she said.

Sighing, Max turned around to face her, his arms crossed over his chest. "What about her?"

"Why isn't she here?" She asked. "Normally she participates in lessons with us."

"Blake is very busy, at the moment- steady Carole!"

"Busy doing what?"

"Stevie, can't this wait till after lesson is over?"

"Fine, fine," she sighed and rolled her eyes over to look at Lisa, her other best friend since they were kids. With college and the death of her favorite horse, Lisa had sort of given up on riding for the time. She was back at Willow Creek for a visit and Stevie had convinced her to come back to Pine Hollow for old times sake.

"Nicely done, Carole." Max told the dark skinned girl when she finished. "But you need to work on approaching the jump at a much more steadier pace.

"I know," she said quietly. "I've just got a lot on my mind. I promise, we'll do better next time."

"Good," Max turned to Stevie to tell her she was next, but stopped when he spotted Blake approaching the ring. "What's wrong?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Nothing," she replied as she climbed up onto the fence to sit. "Just came to watch a little of the lessons."

"Watch?" Stevie turned in her saddle. "Why aren't you riding with us?"

"Haven't been feeling up to it lately," she replied lazily. "Been a little off and Winchester has been too. I think it's the flu, for me that is. Winnie just usually mirrors my mood no matter what."

"Aw, I was really hoping to see you two in action," said Lisa. "Carole and Stevie tell me you two are amazing together."

Blake smiled at her other friend and nodded. "Yeah, with Max's help, we've managed to turn him into a pretty decent jumper."

"Decent?" Stevie laughed. "Winnie is amazing Lisa, it's like he was born to do it. Blake and him both!"

"That's enough now, Stevie," Max had his hands on his hips. "You're up!"

"Okay, okay," she sighed as she nudged Belle with her legs. "We're going."

"How are you feeling?" Max slid his arm around Blake's waist and she did the same around his as they followed his class out of the outdoor arena and back to the barn. "What have the doctors said?"

"Well," she leaned in closely toward him. "Good news is that I'm not pregnant."

"Good news?"

"Max, we aren't married yet and
then we have our hands full with Pine Hollow."

"As much as I love you," he paused to look at her and considered his words. "I'm just not ready to get married again."

"And I'm not rushing you," she said. "I'd like to take this slow before we jump into tying the knot."

"But I'm not exactly getting any younger."

"The head and beard of grey says exactly that." She smiled.

"I'll remember that you said that later tonight," With his other hand, he began to tickle her causing her to giggle.

"Get a room," joked Stevie.

"I'm pretty sure Pine Hollow belongs to me," Max was grinning as he spoke to her.

"Oh right," she then smiled. "Well then get a stall."

"Stevie," Blake began laughing. "That was lame."

"I know, I know, I'm losing my touch." She sighed. "Being an adult, you know?"

"I know."

"Hey Max?" Alex poked her head into the small barn office where Blake and Max had been sitting around the mahogany desk going over the next weeks schedule.

"What's up?" He asked without looking up from the feed schedule he had been scribbling little side notes on.

"I was wondering about private lessons," she said fully walking into the office.

Blake's head snapped up, her eyes searching Max's face. Private lessons costed more and often required Max as an instructor if the rider paid more, and she had a feeling this particular rider would.

Max blanched at first, but then after quickly glancing down at the feeding schedule and clearing his throat, he looked back up at Alex and resumed his professional facade.

"Are you considering competing again?" He enquired, carefully laying down his pen to give her his full attention.

Max was doing his best to ignore the penetrating glare he was receiving from Blake. Perhaps it was the way his Adam's apple bobbed from him swallowing uncomfortably that cause her to relax. She was overreacting for no reason. Max was with her because he had felt something for her. Like with Garnet and Winchester, they shared a sacred bond that could never truly be severed. Not yet, however.

Blake cleared her throat, reminding the two of her presence. She closed the notebook she had been scribbling away in and stood up, "I think I see the afternoon class filing in, better see if Red needs any help."

Max turned toward Blake, his blue eyes understanding as she walked around the desk to leave the office.

In truth, she was beginning to feel uncomfortable herself. And with her conflicting thoughts, she could do with a breath of fresh air. Maybe it was because of her past relationship or maybe her knowledge of the kind of people that were competing against her. Either way, she should not have been feeling and behaving the way she had been. How was it Max had yet to say anything to her about the way she had been acting? Surely it would have been driving him crazy.

"Hey Blake,"

Blake lifted her head in the direction of Lisa Atwood's voice. The fair skinned brunette merged from Samson's stall, her cheeks and noise a faint pink. Judging from her face, Blake assumed she had only just got in from bringing the stallion in from outside.

"Hey Lisa," she replied softly. "Bringing Samson in?"

"Mhm," she smiled sweetly. "I was planning on going to the cafe after bringing in the rest, did you want to come? Carole and Stevie will be coming too. Oh, and Ben and Phil, of course."

"Of course," she replied at the mention of the girl's boyfriends. "Am I being invited so you're not a fifth wheel?"

Lisa flushed but shook her head, "No," she assured, "I know it hasn't been easy on you having to share Pine Hallow with your sister now. I remember when my little sister rode here, it was a nightmare."

Blake laughed softly, falling into step with Lisa as they braced themselves for the howling cold winds outside, "It's a bit different than when you were a teen," she told Lisa. "My sister and I are adults and it's not so much her being here to ride that bothers me, it's the motive behind it."

"You really shouldn't worry about that," she said. "Max would never fall for their antics, no matter what it cost him."

"It would cost him the stables," Blake hugged herself, tucking her cold hands under the pits of her arms. "I know they will find a way, that's what I'm really afraid of."

"Don't be," she felt Lisa's gloved hand rest on her shoulder. "You have Pine Hollow behind you the whole way."

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