Chapter 14

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The idea of a date with Verity excited me. Other than Dani, she was the only girl who had genuinely interested me so far. I didn't know much about her except that sparks flew when we were together.

I knocked on her door and she opened after a few moments.

"Lady Verity," I greeted.

"Prince Alexander," she responded. Already, her smile was seductive. If we'd had a bit more privacy, I would have kissed her right then and there.

"I hope you're ready for a lovely afternoon," I started. "The gardens are beautiful this time of year."

"The gardens?"

"Yes. I was thinking we could take a stroll. The weather is perfect today."

"Oh," she said, seeming not quite pleased.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. I was just expecting something a bit more extravagant. That's all. But a walk through the gardens sounds nice. Let's get going."

She looped her arm through mine before I had a chance to respond. I felt a little disappointed that she wasn't entirely pleased with our date plan. I thought she would find it endearing that I wanted to do something low-key so we could talk. I felt bad that I hadn't lived up to her hopes.

We made our way out to the gardens and instantly I felt more relaxed. The sun was being kind today and only casted a comforting warmth rather than a heat that would scorch my skin instantly. Small wisps of clouds glided across the sky with the breeze. Everything around us was overflowing with life and I felt like I was in my element. I'd always preferred to spend my time outside.

"So, Verity, how has the palace been treating you so far?"

"It has been wonderful. The only thing bad is that there are no tennis courts. I'm starting to get a little antsy. I haven't gone so long without practicing since I was eleven."

"I'm sorry to hear that. How do you plan to handle it?"

"Well, I've kept myself busy in that gym you have set up on the first floor. It takes the edge off; I never have been able to stand still for long."

I smiled. "I'm the same way."

She returned the smile and I think it was the first time I'd ever seen her smile without any sort of flirtation in it.

"Still," she continued, "I wish I could get back on the court. Tournaments start picking up again in January. That's a long way away, but every day of practice counts."

It seemed like she still had the intention to attend her matches. It reminded me of when Dani had spoken of returning to school during our first date. I wondered how many other girls still expected to go back to their old lives. I wondered how many of them had careers they still wanted to pursue, or if they were like Verity and had careers to return to. How could they put their lives on hold indefinitely like this?

I tried to push away that thought. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe we can work something out where you can make a weekly trip to some courts nearby," I suggested.

"Really? That would be fantastic." Her eyes were animated and sparkled gratefully. She laced her fingers with mine and held on tightly.

We walked quietly for a bit. Verity seemed to feel better about the date now. I sensed that she had loosened up a bit. I think talking about tennis and been the familiar push she'd needed to let down her guard.

"We've established being here makes you miss tennis. Is there anything else you're missing? Maybe your family?Any homesickness?"

Immediately, her guard went back up and her walls rebuilt themselves before my eyes. I could see her shoulders tense up. She tried to keep her voice light, though, when she said, "No, not really. I live alone in Paloma, I'm not close with my family, and I'm so busy with training that I don't have time to find things to miss. It's not a big deal."

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