Chapter 13

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I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I hadn't predicted that our day would end with me feeling like I was on cloud nine and unable to come down.

I stumbled away from Dani's door, still reeling from our encounter. I decided to go talk to Jeremiah. If I didn't talk to someone about it, I would explode.

As I neared the dining room, I heard a buzz of voices. Dinner had probably just let out and people were still talking and hovering by the door. Once I turned the corner, I started searching for my friend.

Before I could find him, though, I was approached by Lady Verity.

"You know," she started, "I recall you saying we would get to spend some time together. You haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

She wore a cheeky smirk. I smiled back as her subtle flirtation combined with my leftover adrenaline.

"Of course not, Lady Verity. How could I ever forget about you?"

"Well, if you're not going to ask me on a date, I guess I'll have to ask you. How does tomorrow at two sound?"

I was in such an agreeable mood that I responded, "That sounds wonderful."

"Great. Pick me up at my room. Plan something nice."

Verity patted my arm before continuing on her way, leaving me in her wake. It astounded me how she was so comfortable with asking for what she wanted. Most people would be at least a little hesitant.

I looked around and spotted Jeremiah. I hurried over to him.

"Hey! Where were you, Alex? You missed dinner."

"Yeah, I know. There was traffic on the way home. Can we go talk somewhere? I need to speak to you."

Jeremiah eyed me cautiously. I watched as his gaze landed on my disheveled hair and the small wrinkles on my clothes. He jumped to his own conclusions and shook his head.

"No, I don't want to hear about that, Alex. I thought you were going to be different with Danielle. That was my mistake."

He started to turn away but I grabbed his shoulder. "Jer, it isn't like that at all. I swear it isn't." I was trying to keep my voice low so that the other girls wouldn't overhear.

"It isn't?" he asked.

"No, it isn't. So could we go talk, please?"

"Talk about what?" a voice said from behind me.

I turned and saw my parents, Anne, Gabriel, and Bree.

"Nothing," Jer and I said simultaneously.

"Really?" Dad asked, knowing very well it wasn't nothing.

"Really," I replied, trying to tell him with my eyes how much I didn't want to get into it.

My eyes fell on to my mom and I suddenly remembered how Dani had talked of her own mother. I remembered the love in her voice, the wistful smile that had fluttered on her lips.

I pulled Mom into an embrace. I wanted her to know how thankful I was for her, for both of them.

She laughed at the suddenness of it but she held on to me. "What is this about?"

"I love you. That's all."

I moved back and embraced Dad as well. "Love you, Dad."

"We love you, too, Alex," he said confusedly.

I pulled out of the embrace and saw how absolutely baffled my parents were at my sudden show of affection.

"What brought that on? Did something happen?" Mom asked.

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