Chapter 12

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I could hardly wait for the weekend to come. Ever since I'd asked Dani out, I'd felt better. It was obviously showing, too. The next morning my parents had seemed surprised to see me so rejuvenated.

"You seem... well-rested," Dad had said slowly.

"You're absolutely right. I haven't slept so well in over a week. You and Mom were right. I needed that movie night."

At that point, I believe Mom dropped her fork in surprise. "I'm sorry, did you say we we were right?" she'd asked bewilderedly.

"Yes. You were right."

"Okay, just making sure I wasn't hallucinating."

Normally, I would have tried to shoot back a witty remark, but instead I just laughed agreeably.

My parents had shared happy glances. I'd watched them have a whole conversation with their eyes about how unexpected my behavior was and how they were pleased to see me feeling better. Their expressions were so easy to read.

Now, it was Friday night and I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow, I would get to see her.
"I don't think I have ever been this nervous," I said, frantically checking my hair in the mirror. I was picking up Dani in five minutes and my stomach felt even queasier than it had that one time I'd gotten the flu when I was ten.

"Why?" Jeremiah asked from the bed where he was doing homework. Bree was sitting next to him with a sketch pad. "You've already been on dates with her. Why is this any different?"

"Because," I started, moving to the bed and shoving his legs towards the middle of the bed so I could sit, "before I wasn't looking for anything. I was just trying to go through the motions. I was just trying to get the Selection over with. Now, I want to see where this takes me. These are completely different circumstances. I've never gone on a date with the intention of going on even more dates later on."

Bree squealed with delight. "Alex, I'm so excited. Is Dani going to be your girlfriend?"

"Oh my God, Bree. I don't know. Besides, since this is a Selection, they're pretty much all my girlfriends."

"While that may be true," Jeremiah cut in, "won't Lady Danielle be your special girlfriend?"

Bree gasped eagerly. I glared at Jeremiah, but he didn't even look up from his book to see it. "Look what you've done. You've put ideas in her head." I turned to my sister. "Bree, please do not get your hopes too high, okay? I have no idea how things are going to play out with Danielle. This could very well fizzle out in a few weeks. Your guess is as good as mine. I cannot make any guarantees. All I can say is that, right now, I'm really excited and I want to see what happens. Alright?"

She nodded, but I could see that she was holding back a hopeful grin.

I gave her hair a ruffle, stood, and said, "I should get going. Wish me luck."

"Good luck," Bree said cheerfully.

Jeremiah responded, "Don't mess up too badly."

I took a deep breath and then left the room. My hands fidgeted anxiously and I walked to her room quickly. Never before had I experienced such anticipation but also such fear simultaneously.

When her door opened after a firm knock, my nerves dissolved instantly. I was soothed by the gentle blush in Dani's cheeks and the kindness that filled her eyes. There was no reason for me to be nervous, I realized. I was more comfortable around her than I was with most people.

"Hi," she said. The lilt of her voice brought a smile to my face.

"Hi," I answered lightly. I was so happy to see her I could barely get the words to leave my mouth. "Do you want to get going?"

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