"Is there any news on that guy you like?" I ask, giggling.
"Depends, we've spoken a little bit since I last told you, and I can't get over how amazing he is. It's like we were made for each other. God I sound cringe." She laughs.
"Oh over text or something?"
"Something like that."
"I'm sure he thinks the same about you too, he'd be the luckiest guy ever if he was your boyfriend."
"I plan on telling him how I feel soon." Erin says, as we approach their door.
"The quicker you do it the better, oh how was your day by the way?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, well Shawn surfed or tried to for a while, whilst I read my magazines. Then he came back and we both listened to some music and talked about it. That's it really." Erin replies, as I knock on the door.
"Sounds nice and relaxing." I say.

"Uber is gonna be outside in literally 2 minutes so we gotta go right now guys!" Geoff panics, as he just about let's Shawn come outside, before he shuts the door promptly.

"You look stunning." Shawn whispers in my ear, whilst he clasps my hand, before we all dash off.


"This music is amazing." Shawn says to Geoff as the look around adoringly in the club.
Geoff turns around and says, "First rounds on me, what are you all having?"
"I'll have a Mojito please." Erin says.
"I'll have the same please Geoff." I reply.
"I'll go with you." Shawn says, smiling at me before he goes off.

Erin and I head towards the dance floor. The music was so loud you could practically hear it thumping in your chest. Lights were shunting in all different directions in all colours. Erin grabs my hand and we start dancing along to the sound of the music.

"Here you go girls." Shawn says, as him and Geoff come over and he passes us our drinks.


For hours we all just had a great time dancing like crazy people and enjoying each other's company. Shawn and I danced a little bit just the two of us but we didn't want to cut the others out.

"Geoff are you alright?" Shawn asks, as it's clear all the alcohol has gotten straight to Geoff's head.
"Not....Really." He replies.
"I'll call you an uber that will take you back to the hotel." I say. "Come outside and wait with me."
"Lexi, I can-"
"No Shawn it's fine, come on Geoff. I say.

I left Shawn talking with Erin, as I leave out the front doors of the club with Geoff. As soon as we get outside I arrange the uber and it will be here only in a few minutes.
"You know you don't have to wait with me." He says laughing.
"I do, you're in a bit of a state." I reply.
"Thankyou." He laughs.
"It's okay, like I said before."
There was a silence for a few moments.
"What's up?" I reply.
"I don't know if this means anything or if I'm reading too much into this but I thought I should tell you because I think if you as one of my friends, just like Shawn..."
"What is it Geoff?"
"Well I don't know for certain, like I have no proof-"
"Stop rambling."
"I think Erin likes Shawn."

For a moment I was taken aback.

"She doesn't Geoff, she likes someone back in Canada, she told me. Besides, why do you think that? I question.
"Well I knew you were in love with Shawn, I mean it was clearly obvious. And it's the same again. It's just the way she looks at him. Like you probably don't notice it, but I do. For example when we were doing the show last night, she wouldn't take her eyes off him. They were basically scream 'I LOVE YOU'!"
"Geoff you're drunk and you don't know what you're on about."
"Well I'm just warning you." He says.
"And thank you for looking out for me, but I can keep an eye out for this stuff for myself. Look! Your Uber's here now."
"Just be careful." Geoff replies.
"See you tomorrow, sober up." I say, as I close the car door and he goes off.

"What he said was completely wrong". I kept thinking to myself.
Erin is my best friend, she wouldn't ever do something like that to me. Besides, if she did, she wouldn't have told me about this crush and how she thinks they're going to get together. Shawn wouldn't do that to me. He loves me.

I go back into the still-raging club, and before heading back to find Shawn and Erin, I quickly go the bar and ask for a Vodka and Coke.

I take a sip as I go up a few steps and around the corner as that was where Shawn and Erin last were when Geoff and I left them.

I looked around and I couldn't see them-

In the corner of my eye I saw a blonde figure against the wall.
I turn my head around and saw that it was Erin and ....

Shawn... Shawn was against her. Kissing her. Holding her...

Ruin || Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now