By beating him up I'm really no better than he is and angering an alpha is a bad idea. But it's for a good cause and its too late to back out now.

I pretend to go down in a bow to show him respect when I kneed him in the groin. I punch his jaw out of place and put him in a head lock, strangling him successfully.

He clawed at my fingers. I let to at the last minute and gave him a side kick. The other two came and backed him up. Those guys were expecting it which made it a little harder.

I still effectively left more than a few bruises on their skin. Their eyes were black from punches and one of them hobbled around with a sprained ankle because of the angle I had pushed him onto.

I kicked one guy in the shin before brushing pretend dirt off my hands. I walked away quickly but calmly hoping they wouldn't sense I was scared of his alpha side coming out.

My brothers came up beside me slinging their arms around my shoulders! "that was one heck of a fight. And now Ross owes me five bucks".

I laugh. "I can't believe you doubted me Ross. I thought you believed in me"?! I asked with fake hurt.

"Well you looked so miniature next to the guy and his friends. Or should I say the alpha and his beta and third in command. I had no idea what you were thinking! I was pretty much positive you were going to get a taste of your own medicine".

"Never. Besides that medicine hurts and tastes terrible".

"Well! imagine how we feel when your a little bit mad"!

"Oh I'm so sorry", I say sarcastically. "In my defence trying to prank me was a bad idea".

"Yeah well never again"!

"You bet bro".


"Still be more careful. After all that training I can't believe we didn't teach her anger management"!

"Yeah that was probably kinda stupid".

"Ya think"?

"Oh come on guys in not that bad".

"Oh yes you are", they say all at the same time.

"Gee thanks guys. and btw that is creep- y. Never do that again"!

"Sorry", they say all together.

I groan in frustration. "Whatever guys. I'm going to class". I walk off leaving them laughing in the hallway.

I can't help but wonder if they planned that. I mean its three different people, with different language choices and mostly different personalities.

I accidentally bump into someone. "Oh sorry"! I exclaim. I didn't even catch who it was before he ( or she. But I'm 95% certain it was a guy) walks off hiding his face and shoving me as he walks past.

"Jerk"! I yell down the halls".

He ignored me and I sigh. Maybe I do need anger management.

I go to my class and of course arrive late. "Miss Turner you are late".

"Sorry Miss"...?

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