Chapter 7

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"Your favorite hobby is crossword puzzles?" Yui asked in amazement, cuddling up to Laito on her bed as he worked on one right now. "That's unexpected."

The boy giggled as he chewed on his pencil, trying to figure out what the next word was. "Oh? Why is it unexpected? Did you expect me to be into more kinkier things? I'll save that side of me for you, Bitch-chan.~"

The blonde frowned briefly before replying, "Yeah, I guess so. They just seem difficult to me. I've never even completed one before." She said, peering down at the paper with curiosity.

"That's because Bitch-chan is an air head that only thinks about -one- thing." The vampire said with a smug grin.

Yui was used to his harsh comments by now but that still didn't mean she couldn't get offended. "I think of plenty of other things." She countered, "You're the one that's always making things perverted."

"Guilty as charged!" He cooed, leaning down to kiss her lips briefly. If it weren't for his hands being full he would have done much more.

Her face turned red from the action, trying to reorganize her scrambled thoughts. The vampire concentrated on his cross word puzzle then, giving Yui a strange feeling at how ordinary things were- compared to what had happened the night before. She still felt horrible about that. She was supposed to help Laito-kun not mess him up even more. Somehow she felt better blaming herself for the whole thing- it were easier to hate herself than to hate him. "Laito-kun." The girl said desperately, getting his attention as his emerald gaze turned towards her.

"I-I don't know if you care but I'm really sorry about last night. I shouldn't have let Kanato-kun participate too... I... I tried..." Yui began, getting the topic out in the open upsetting her more than she'd thought.

Laying the paper and pencil down on the night stand, the boy embraced the small girl. She felt comforted to have him close but she still couldn't make sense of this at all. Tears spilled out of her eyes by how stupid and confused she felt, her little hands clinging to his sweater. "I don't understand anything... Why didn't you save me when I called for you? Unless you...?"

"Bitch-chan, if I cared I would have intervened, you know." Laito brought up, making her head spin by the implications of that statement. If Laito didn't care then... If he didn't care if she were touched by other men, then he must not have felt anything towards her. No, anything but -that-. There must be some other explanation. But Yui couldn't find any. She couldn't move, she couldn't push him away. Even though he had hurt her, she'd probably run away and kill herself if he weren't holding her now.

He chuckled then, "You're so conceited, Bitch-chan. What did you think, if you'd just resisted a little longer I would have saved you like some prince charming? I'm sorry to break it to you honey, but I'm far from your prince charming, heh."

The pain was too much and the girl felt something inside of her beginning to snap. After all this trouble she were no where further than a few days ago. Was he just playing her after all? She hated him so much and wished the worst pain of hell upon him. She would have inflicted it herself if she had the strength to over power him... But no. She could -never- hurt him. Why would she even think such a thing? This only proved that he needed her help more. Yui couldn't give up on him this easily just because things weren't working out now- she needed him and he unknowingly needed her.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're not upset with me, Laito-kun." Yui said happily, pulling away from the embrace and giving him a kind smile- looking oddly sadistic on the young girl. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he were surprised. He wanted her to cry and beg for him to love her? Not anymore. Yui couldn't help but feel she wasn't herself today- she had felt differently ever since last night. She blushed slightly, mentally preparing herself for her next statement. "I guess since you don't care, I can say that Kanato pleased me a lot more than you last night. I was kinda upset that he left." The girl admitted- that being a lie but she wanted to test how much he -actually- cared.

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