chapter 6

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After a couple of hours of crying and listening to her own mind numbing thoughts, Yui heard someone knock on the door. She thought to answer, but kept quiet instead, not wanting anyone to discover her. The shifting of a key caught her attention and soon the door swung open. A master key? But who could have come to find her? Laito-kun?

To her surprise, the eldest of the siblings entered, Shuu. Yui watched him in awe as he appeared to ignore her very presence, making his way down towards the bathtub. Was he...? He wasn't going to bathe in front of her? The girls face went bright red as he finally looked towards her. "Will you go cry else where? I'm trying to use the bath." His voice was irritated and seeming like speaking was even a bother for him. She found herself nodding, leaving the vampire to himself. Now she would have to find somewhere else to stay, or face Laito. Maybe he had left her room by now and went to his own?

She decided to check it out, preparing for her fate. On her way back to her room she noticed Kanato in the hallway, as she so often did. Was his room located especially close to hers? Or maybe he was just a stalker like some of his brothers? "Kanato-kun." Yui greeted, trying to sound cheerful despite still being upset.

"Yui-chan." He acknowledged, peering towards her like a deer in the head lights. "Do you want to go somewhere with me?"

"Ah- sure. Where do you want to go?" The blonde asked, figuring a distraction would be nice for her right now. Just hopefully it wasn't something creepy or disgusting. His brother probably took the prize for being the most creepy and disgusting, she thought bitterly.

"There's a fair in town but it's only open during the day. Me and Teddy want to go so badly. Will you come sneak in with us?"

And, it ended up being something illegal. Yui agreed none the less, giving him a smile in reply. She was sure she'd be fine as long as he were there. If the cops came, maybe she could say he kidnapped her and find her way out of here- but somehow the thought didn't excite her as it would have a week ago.

Kanato smiled back, the most excited she'd seen him. "Good! But, if you ditch me again you'll get far worse than a slap." His smile turned more sadistic now and the girl felt herself shiver.

"O-of course Kanato-kun, I wouldn't even think of ditching you."


Once they made it to the -closed- fair, the two teens were stopped by a giant metal gate- almost 3 times their height. Yui gulped. Hopefully he didn't think she were climbing over this. Kanato however, threw Teddy in the air, the bear going over the gate and falling on the other side. The vampire started climbing up soon after and the blonde panicked.

"Kanato-kun, I can't climb this!" Yui fretted, holding her hand up to her chest nervously.

The young boy gave an exaggerated sigh, "Fine, I'll open it once I get inside." He climbed up the rest of the gate with ease, jumping when he got to the top and landing on his back. Yui were worried until he got up again, undamaged. Vampires were really amazing sometimes... The shota vampire unlocked the gate then, allowing the stunned girl entrance to the fair.

"That was amazing!" Yui exclaimed, Kanato just staring at her blankly and nodding. She was always sorta child-like herself so the thought of a fair just for the two of them- and well Teddy, kinda excited her. Though, seeing one so empty was almost eerie. "Where do you want to go first?" She asked, sure to let him have his way- for her own safety.

"I want to go on the ferris wheel." Kanato said quietly, his hand making it's way over to grab Yui's. As she blushed harder, the girl thought over what this meant. Was Kanato wanting this to be a date? Even though she were mad, she still loved Laito-kun and didn't want to betray him. She couldn't tell him to get off of her though, he would flip. Maybe it was okay, just holding hands like this, as long as things didn't escalate further.

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