chapter 2

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"I wonder what she's so happy about. It makes me want to wipe the smile right off her face. Don't you agree, Teddy?" Kanato commented as he noticed Yui outside after school.

"Er, Hi Kanato-kun." Yui waved, meeting him by the school gate. She wondered if she really looked that happy. Maybe it was because Laito had agreed to go on a date with her? "How are you today?"

"I was talking to Teddy, you know. It's rude to interrupt someone." The purple haired boy growled, his anger confusing the blonde. She had a hard time taking Kanato's anger seriously though, since he looked so young. That still didn't mean he couldn't get scary, and she knew that first hand.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't notice." She waved her hands innocently and Kanato stared at her, a displeased look plastered on his face as he held his teddy bear tight.

Yui gasped as she felt someone suddenly wrap their arms around her from behind.

"Bitch-chan!" Laito exclaimed, flipping her around to now face him. The smaller boy watched in anger as his brother leaned down to kiss the girl. Yui returned the kiss but wished he would back off of her. It was awkward with Kanato right there...

When she turned around, she could tell Kanato was even angrier with her. "You just keep getting ruder and ruder." Kanato snapped, "You engage conversation with me and then you ignore me for someone else!" He shouted now, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him.

Yui flinched in pain and she could hear Laito snickering from behind her. Wasn't he going to help? This was funny apparently? He was the one who started this after all. She hadn't asked for a kiss... "Ow! It wasn't my fault!" The girl said desperately.

Laito waved his hand, getting Kanato's attention. "Come on, Kanato. If you want Bitch-chan to do what you want, you just have to please her. A kiss is just the start. Why don't you try it?"

The girl could feel her eyes tear up with pain and not because of Kanato gripping her wrist. What was Laito talking about? Telling Kanato to kiss her? Did that mean he didn't care for her at all? She was just some slut to him? The child-like vampire looked closer into her eyes, as if examining her. "Huh? She looks like she's going to cry. Did I take it too far?" Kanato asked, probably more to his Teddy bear than the other two.

Yui managed to get free during his hesitation and pushed him away. She was so displeased with Laito right now, so she ran away, not wanting either of their company. She was wrong to ever have feelings for such a person! However, she didn't make it too far until she bumped into Laito again.

"Go away!" The blonde shouted, a few tears escaping from her eyes. Pressing her hand up to his chest, she tried to push him off but it was useless. She was just a weak human after all...

Laito held Yui against him, the action almost feeling comforting to her. "What're you being a cry baby for, Bitch-chan? You ask to go somewhere with me and then you run away. I think Kanato was right. You're being very rude tonight." The boy commented, confused and displeased with her actions.

Yui laid against his chest, thinking about what she'd done. Once again they'd twisted things and made her question if she were the bad guy here. She didn't want to be hurt and mad at him, she didn't want to admit the person she liked was a jerk and didn't care about her. It'd be too difficult to bear, not when she had such high hopes that he would return her feelings tonight. Maybe he was just joking before? That had to be it. "I'm so sorry, Laito." Yui admitted.

The vampire sighed, looking down at her with dissatisfaction. "I don't know. I'm thinking of canceling plans tonight because of how you acted."

"Please don't!" The girl begged, gripping onto his shirt. "I had something important I wanted to tell you."

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