Chapter 7 - The Blue Dragon

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Chapter 7 – The Blue Dragon

The war was exhausting but that didn't keep me from piercing and slashing the enemies. I was too careful not to kill them. I hated taking lives that was why I just focused on injuring them. If they were lucky, they would be able to fight next time with one leg or one arm. I focused on my own fight without thinking of the others. I knew that they were handling it too well. They were far better than me when it came to fighting.

"You're getting good, mi'lady," Jae-ha blurted out while taking down six enemies all at once.

"I trained," I responded proudly.

"But they're still on the advantage of three thousand men," he explained. "We have more than a thousand men injured,"

"I'll attend to their injuries later," I said.

"Don't be too rash," I found myself standing back to back with Shin-ah. "You overexerted yourself with a hundred villagers, a thousand is too much,"

"Don't you trust me, Shin-ah?" I slashed the guy that was approaching Shin-ah from the side. "I'm a Priestess. I devote my life to the people,"

The fight continued on. All of us decided not talk because we were having troubles facing too many opponents. Hak was the strongest of us, but I knew that he wouldn't be able to take down the remaining three-thousand advantages of the enemy all by himself. I saw Hak aiming straight for the two leaders of the Sei Kingdom.

I decided to run to his side and cover for him. "Going straight to Hotsuma and Kushibi?" I asked him while I helped him take down the opponents that were approaching him. "It's impossible to get pass through these people!"

It was obvious that most of the enemies were targeting the King. "I need to get to them to finish this war quickly," Hak stated the obvious.

He had a point. We weren't sure if it would be possible for us to hold off the enemies. We needed to defeat the leaders immediately. Once their leaders were defeated, the remaining soldiers would retreat.

I managed to block two soldiers' attacks then pushed them off of me. I roundhouse kicked the opponent on my right side then slashed the other. I felt an intense pain on my back. I was too busy defending my front that I didn't know that someone had attacked me from behind. I fell on my knees but still managed to rotate my spear and pierce my attacker from behind.

This was another disadvantage of my divine power. I could heal other people but I couldn't heal myself. This power was given to me to help other people so I needed to set aside my own needs.

An enemy that was approaching Hak saw my state and did not hesitate to change course to attack me. I closed my eyes to brace myself for the impact of his sword. I heard the sound of two swords clashing and opened my eyes to see Shin-ah protecting me. He kicked the soldier's stomach then slashed him afterwards.

Without saying a word, Shin-ah helped me to get on my feet. He placed an arm around my waist while holding onto his sword with the other. "Let me be," I ordered. "It would be hard for you to fight while holding onto me,"

He didn't follow my order nor did he let me be a hinder to fighting off the enemies. With my restraint to his movement, he still managed to take down the enemies one-by-one. "We need to get you to Jae-ha so you can be taken to a safe place," he stated flatly.

But Jae-ha was too far away from us and he was also struggling to fight a hundred enemies on his own. We found ourselves cornered all around. "Shin-ah, leave me here!" I told him desperately as I tried to get out of his grasp. In this state, we were going to die. It would be better for him to leave me here so he could survive.

His grip on my waist tightened. "No," he shook his head.


Much to everyone's surprise, he let go of his sword. His hand went to his mask. My eyes widened at what he was doing. My heart started beating faster, not because he was going to use his powers but because I was quite excited to see what he looked like.

The first thing that I noticed when he took off his mask were his eyes. Gold. Red marks were also visible under his eyes.

"Beautiful," I blurted out unconsciously. If those were the eyes of a cursed man, I would rather be cursed to see something so beautiful.

He was surprised of my reaction and that made him look at me. Time seemed to slow down then and there for me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Seeing him was the only thing that I cared about in this moment. I didn't throw a glance at those soldiers who were already dead around us.

"I hate to ruin the moment for the two of you," Kija interrupted and that made me snap back to my senses. "But we need to cover for Hak. He's already near to Hotsuma and Koshibi,"

I didn't know why Shin-ah still kept a surprised look on his face but he nodded to Kija then later carried me on his arms. As we walked, soldiers kept falling down. I kept sensing bloodlust from Shin-ah. It grew stronger whenever someone fell on the ground.

The power of the Blue Dragon.

Just in time for him to make a path for Hak, we both fell down on the ground. The double–edged power. "Shin-ah!" I heard Kija yell. Kija kept striking down enemies with his dragon arm and was making his way towards us.

"D—Don't worry," I stammered. The wound from my back was still aching but healing Shin-ah was my top priority for now.

"Can you heal him?" Jae-ha appeared beside us. I nodded at him. "Go. Kija and I will cover for the two of you," Kija stood beside us, opposite of Jae-ha. I immediately lifted both of my hands and started healing Shin-ah.

Cheers from the Kouka Kingdom echoed around us. Healing Shin-ah was taking too much time than of the others—maybe because this was caused by the dragon blood running within him. This wasn't caused by a human illness or injury that was why it was taking too much of my spiritual energy.

"Shin-ah did a good job on making a way for me," Hak said when he approached us. "There's no need for you to heal him, the war is over,"

"But I want to..." I panted.

I wanted to try.

Shin-ah opened his eyes. I was dumbfounded yet again by them. "You," he raised an arm then he reached out to cup one of my cheeks.

"S—Shin-ah?" I stuttered.

What was he doing?

"Shin-ah!" Kija yelled. "I didn't know that you have the guts to do that!"

"A bold move from the Blue Dragon," Hak chuckled.

"Are my eyes beautiful?" he asked me. His question was full of wonder. It was like he was afraid of my answer at the same time.

I used my hands to hold his hand that was touching my face. "Yes," I smiled a warm smile at him. A smile that wasn't to cover the pain. It was just a pure warm smile from my heart.

"I see..." and then he smiled.

Shin-ah's smile.

"What?!" Kija, Jae-ah, and Hak shouted at the same time.

"H—He smiled..." Jae-ha whispered. "...a rare smile that only a few had seen."

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