Dear Mr Montrell,

By now I'm sure you've received your rejection letter from my school, the Alexandrettia. I apologize sincerely that we could not accept you, but for the reasons you might think they be, I assure you they are not. It's why I'm taking a moment to write to you personally to explain to you why I decided to reject you.

- As I'm sure you know, I built this school myself with the hopes of attracting and rounding up the smarter individuals of this world and providing them with an education they deserved. The classes and expectations are set high here, and the challenges are challenges created and developed by myself to give my pupils the push they need to exceed their own limitations.

With that said, when I looked at your transcripts and the thesis model you provided in your application, I knew you would not fit in at my school.

- My classes would've been too boring for you.

Staring at the email, I was pretty sure my heart had stopped beating, or maybe it had just jumped out of my chest through my chronically open mouth. I tried closing it, but simply couldn't as I read on.

Mr Montrell, I rejected you from my school because you were too talented. There's nothing I can teach you in my classes that you wouldn't already know. It is that reason I'm writing to you now to propose another opportunity for you. A beneficial and very lucrative opportunity should you accept.

Due to certain complications, I unfortunately can't discuss the matter in an email, but know that your virtual hacking skills has impressed me beyond imaginable and I'd like to connect with you in person. The job I'm offering you is a generously paid- and very rewarding job, working directly alongside me as my right hand in a project I need your expertise on. If you are at all interested, let me know soonest possible. We will set up a date for a meeting to discuss things further.

- Looking forward to hearing your reply; I hope you will consider it. Know that our collaboration could save thousands of children around the world and quite possibly change how the generation of tomorrow is perceived.

Best regards,
Alexander T. Stone
CEO of Stone Inc
Principal of The Alexandrettia

"Fucking hell." I was speechless. Sitting in the dark alley of some ghetto corner of downtown Pasedena, I stared at the email and reread it twice. Holy fucking shit on steroids.

If Trump suddenly decided he was pro-BlackLivesMatter, stopped tweeting and ended all the wars he was starting and adopted a Muslim orphan, I still wouldn't have been as shocked as I was this very second.

The tremors in my body finally stopped and instead it felt like the whole world hit pause. My eyes shifted to the timestamp again, that crucial little number that could've saved everything. The stamp that could've prevented me from... oh Christ, what had I done?

"Shit!" My eyes snapped back to my surveillance when I realized I had neglected them. One of the police stations had uploaded a new mugshot to the criminal database... one minute and 43 seconds ago. "Shit, shit, shit!"

My heart started racing again as my fingers deftly moved across the keyboard. I send a virus out that grabbed the pictures and any and all records made under the file. Furthermore, I ran a scan on all of the servers, seeing if any of them had been hacked or pinged by someone else than me.

Hacker (CENTURIES series: Book #5) (VERY SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now