Chapter 1 - The Prolonged Second

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POV - John Watson
Playing Cluedo with Sherlock was always an interesting Thursday afternoon. He was insisting that Colonel Mustard was an Italian mafia boss who hired a gang to kill Miss Scarlet. As I said, interesting.
"I'm telling you John, there's no way that Mr Green could've got from the library to the kitchens in a minute." Sherlock insisted. I sighed, stood up and conceded the game. There's no way I was ever going to win this. I sat down on my chair and began to write my blog about yesterday's case, "The Missing Earlobe", when I heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." I called, rushing over to the door. I went down the stairs, as I noticed the shadow of our visitor outside. I saw instantly that it was Mycroft. I could tell from the short stature and the receding hairline. I swung open the door, and there he was.
"Good morning, John." Mycroft smiled. Without even asking, he pushed past me and climbed the stairs to his brother. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and followed him. When I got up there, the Holmes brothers were already deep in conversation. I took a seat once again and began to listen to the conversation. Sherlock had made Mycroft sit on the consultants chair, claiming that it helped him think, but we all knew it was just to embarrass his brother.
"Three murders in three days, all in exactly the same place. No bodies, no weapon, no clues. All in the exact same spot in this graveyard." Mycroft informed.
"Show me the CCTV." Sherlock commanded. Mycroft pulled a USB stick out of his pocket and plugged it into my computer, erasing everything I had just written on the blog. I began to protest but decided it wasn't worth it. On the screen appeared a five second long video of the graveyard. A young woman was knelt beside a grave, placing flowers next to it. The tape cut out for a split second, and the woman disappeared, leaving the flowers to fall to the ground. The only thing in shot was the woman, the grave, and a few angel statues stood in the distance. Nothing that could've harmed her.

"Any fingerprints on the flowers?" Sherlock asked.
"Just the woman's." Mycroft replied. There was a moment of silence as Sherlock took a few more steps towards the computer screen. His eyes flickered over several different parts of the screen, but seemed to settle on the grave.
"How did her boyfriend die?" He asked.
"How did you know about him?" I asked, bewildered.
"The grave says 'Jesse White', the woman's bus pass is poking out her pocket. She's called Ruth Patterson. Different surnames but obviously in a romantic relationship, hence the necklace with J+R engraved on it. Elementary." Sherlock informed, looking over at Mycroft for an answer to his previous question.
"Heart Failure" He replied. Sherlock chuckled for a second.
"Is something funny?" I asked.
"Heart Failure's a poor excuse for murder."

"So, what're you thinking?' I asked, knowing that Sherlock would have an answer by now.
"Well, one of the statues moved." He said. He rewound the video and pointed to one specific angel statue in the background. After the split second when the tape cuts out, the angel is gone. "There's only two explanations for that." Sherlock began. "The first one is that the split second isn't really a split second, it's more like a minute. Somebody dressed up as an angel statue and waited for this woman to get there, and when she wasn't looking they walked over and.." Sherlock imitated smashing a head against a table. "Dead. Then he drags her body away from the camera just as she drops the flowers, which is when the camera starts up again."
"And the second explanation?" Mycroft enquired.
"It is a split second. That statue killed her in a split second."

"Sorry, you're telling me that a man dressed up as a statue and killed a woman in less than a second?" I asked, almost laughing. "That's not possible."
"No, it's not." Sherlock admitted. "Must be the first explanation. Go on Mycroft, I've solved it. Tell your friends to look out for a man dressed as an angel statue."
Reluctantly, Mycroft stood up and left the room. I heard him speak to Mrs Hudson for a few minutes, before the whole room went silent.
"It was the second one wasn't it?" I asked.
"Of course." Sherlock replied.

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