Chapter Ten

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The final testing day has come

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The final testing day has come. This day is where all of the initiates will test under a computer too see if they are truly worthy of becoming a member of Dauntless, if not, they were sent to factionless. Most of them already had done their test, but few failed and were sent away.

Brittani was next, Eric had been helping her train for this since she had a special secret herself. Eric lead her to the large room where the leaders of the factions stood all around.
"Don't be nervous. Remember what I taught you. Don't look for the easy way out" Eric whispered to Brittani as they walked to the middle of the room and the testing chair.
"What would Dauntless do" Brittani quietly repeated to herself as she inhaled deep breaths. She took a seat in the chair and laid back letting the members set up her testing. Eric watched her carefully and whispered, "I'll be right over here" as he walked over to the side line.

Brittani slowly felt drowsy and her eyes began to close. Soon enough she was in a dream state and her biggest fears were showing on the big screen. Brittani ran through the tests, using all of the pointers Eric gave her when they worked with her.

Brittani gasped awake after her darkest memory almost got the best of her, but Eric was already right by her side, taking her hand and pulling her out of her chair. "Don't worry, you did great" he said in her ear as he lead her out. She was terrified, but also relieved at the same time. Brittani passed the test, even though the last initiation wasn't finished.

Syn walked up to Brittani and have her a congratulatory hug before she left the room. And now it was Syn's turn for the test. Four stood right beside her giving her the best encouragement as he could. This was going to be the real test, just to see if Syn can actually fool all the leaders into thinking she's apart of their world.

They walked up to the chair and Syn sat comfortably as everyone hooked her up. But before they started the test, Syn plugged in a virus that her and Four created to make an illusion that her test would be the same as others.

It didn't take long, but she managed to act as if the test put an impact on her. Four ran up to her and looked at the leaders exchanging words.
"I think it worked" he said taking her hand. Syn and Four stood away from the chair as Jeanine walked up to them. "Good work, Dauntless" was the only thing she said as she strutted away..

"WELCOME TO DAUNTLESS" the leader announced to all the new members. "Now form a line, and we'll finish your last initiation!" He loudly demanded as everyone was forced into their own crowd.
All the members pushed into each other, and each leader shot something in their necks.
"What is this?" Syn snarled at Eric with Brittani standing right beside him.
"It's your mark to being Dauntless" Eric just smirked and shot whatever was in the gun into Syn's neck.
"Ah, what the hell?!" She held her hand over her neck that had a piercing pain thumping at her vein. Brittani just shrugged her shoulders.
"It's okay, Syn. I had one too" she sweetly smiled at her friend to reassure her that everything will be okay. Even though Syn wasn't the happiest with Eric, she just huffed and puffed and walked away with Brittani.

But things started to change quickly. Four and Eric had disappeared along with the other leaders. Everybody seemed to form in some sort of line and the room got quiet. Syn and Brittani gazed around the room and started to follow the rest of the members and copied their movements.

"What's going on?" A man yelled as he walked in front of people. "What are you doing?" He would talk to the Dauntless members, but they only walked in silence.
"Divergent!" A leader yelled.
BOOM. A gun shot spread through the room and the man who was questioning fell over, dead. Brittani and Syn were surprised by their actions, and neither one them knew that they both weren't effective by the foreign content. The leaders lead the members to a large train and forced them into rows like soldiers.

Syn scanned the room, looking for familiar faces, but didn't see much. She finally saw Four in the distance, and he was standing like the rest of them. She couldn't believe it, was he under the control as well? Syn snuck her way through the rows, and she didn't even disturb any of the other members. She found her way next to Four and stood in line just like all the others. She didn't want to leave him after all that he has done for her, and she wanted to see if she could get him out of his mind control. But her worries lifted off her chest when she felt his hand brush against hers, his pinky fingers wrapping around here. Four had his control, but he was doing just as Syn was. Blending in.

Brittani was in another part of the train. She held her gun to her chest and remained silent like the others. She felt alone and nervous, but all she could do was follow along.
"You'll be with me" she heard a whisper in her ear, and she got to glance and see Eric announcing his group. He shot a look right at her, reassuring her that she was going to be okay. Almost as if he was telling her that he would protect without even saying a word.

Dauntless had some sort of plan working, and they had complete control over every member as if they were robotic toys. The only thing was, Syn or Brittani didn't know what they were getting themselves into, and unfortunately Four didn't even know what was happening.

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