Chapter Two

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Abnegation (The Selfless) Dauntless (The Brave) Erudite (The Intelligent) Amity (The Peaceful) Candor (The Honest)

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Abnegation (The Selfless) Dauntless (The Brave) Erudite (The Intelligent) Amity (The Peaceful) Candor (The Honest). Which one are you?
Syn heard each of the names, but didn't fully understand them until she read more about the five factions. The Aptitude test was the one that told you who you were. Syn didn't think that made any sense, but if she wanted to stay undercover here, she would have to follow it anyway.
Syn blended in with the large crowds that we're going into their own specific door. She stood with the Dauntless since she was wearing all black and it matched their group completely. When she walked into the door, she was guided to a room full of mirror and a reclining chair that reminded her of the dentist.
"Here drink this" the woman said with a little cup with blue liquid. Syn looked at her confusingly and studied the mysteries drink.
"What is it?" Syn asked as she sat down in the chair.
"It's what drifts you into your test. Just drink it and let's get this over with" the lady rudely blurted while she was typing on her computer. Syn just huffed and downed the drink as if it was the smoothest shot she had ever taken.  "In a few seconds you will go off into a sleep like state but you won't realize it. While you're there the choices you make will effect what your results will be."
Syn sat back in her chair and waited, but there was nothing happening even after 5 minutes have passed. "Is it over yet?" Syn asked just tapping her fingers against the arm of the chair impatiently.
The lady was quite confused and severely worried. She quickly cleared everything on the screen and let Syn get off the chair. "The medication isn't working. Go home. Your results can be decided on how you want them to be. Don't tell anyone else about this. Got it?"
Syn just shrugged. "Fine with me." She walked out the door and back out to the city.
Now what? Choosing day isn't until tomorrow, so until then Syn had to find her a warm place to sleep until this ceremony had to happen.

The next day came quite early, and it was the day of choosing. Syn had found a quite comfortable hut to sleep and relax in until she had to leave for the choosing. When the time came, Syn was up and ready for what was going to happen for the day, even though she didn't know what to expect. How many people were going to be there? Where will she go after the ceremony? Will people catch onto her secret? Will they recognize she doesn't belong there? That's what she's afraid of most, but hopefully there will be enough people there so she can blend in normally. That's what she hoped for at least.

Syn stepped foot in the large auditorium known as The Hub. It was large enough like a three story building. And every single row and seat was being taken by families throughout each of the five factions. Syn was all alone when it came to seating arrangements, so she sat down in a corner where no one could really notice her. While the crowd starting settling, a middle aged woman that has straight short blonde hair stood up on stage and welcomed each and every one of us here. After she talked for what felt like hours on one speech, she started calling names in alphabetical order and the person would walk up to the stage and choose their destiny faction. Syn paid close attention to the people on the stage and watched as every one of them would cut a part on their palm and drop blood into the bowl of their choosing. The lady in blue, finding out her name was Jeanine, lead them off the stage and to their new faction as they would call it out loud over the intercom.
"Brittani Hart. Dauntless."
Hey, I know her.
"Syn Red" the speakers announced after a while of calling out more people. Syn was barely paying attention to the fact that her actual name was being called in public that she didn't even respond. "SYN RED?" They were a bit louder and finally a light bulb flashed in Syn's head.
"Oh that's me!" She spoke to herself and quickly stood up as she made herself. "Sorry" she gently rolled her eyes at Jeanine. Syn was handed the small knife to choose her new faction, even though she didn't belong to any of them.
This is ridiculous. She thought. Why would anyone want to cut their hand open for the sake of a group? But she did it anyway, cutting her hand open on the palm and hovering it over the bowl with coals that engraved Dauntless.
"Syn Red. Dauntless." The crowd went wild just as they did for the rest of the people in the Hub. Syn thought it was quite funny, considering they had no idea who she was in the first place. She walked over to her group of people who everyone considered her a part of, and she sat down beside Brittani and said "We meet again! Looks like we can be roomies."

After the ceremony was over, all of the Dauntless members took off and climbed up a pole that lead to train tracks. Syn knew this was going to be interesting so her and Brittani followed along until they got to the top. They heard the motors running towards the large group of people, and Syn noticed something right off the bat. The train wasn't slowing down.
"Let's go guys!" The other members would yell as they started running. Another thing that was quite ridiculous in Syn's eyes but she did as the others do. Jumping onto the train was a challenge, it almost took her breath away but she was happy to make it. Yet there was another jump she had to make, but this time it was their stop. Brittani and Syn looked at each other. They could already tell they were going to be friends and support each other through these crazy times. So, they nodded at each other and took off, running off the train, and jumping onto a large building with all the others.

"This is the way to Dauntless" a tall man with tattoos and piercing says. Everybody glanced over the side of the building, some even gasping quietly as if they were scared.
"What's down there?" Brittani asked curiously as she took a step closer to the edge.
"I guess you'll have to find out" the man smirked just crossing his arms and looking at all the people on the building. "Who's first?"
Nobody seemed to volunteer right off hand, so Syn, being the lunatic she is, shrugged her shoulders and said "Why the hell not." She jumped up on the ledge, turned her back to the cliff, winked to all the people standing before her, and she just let herself fell backwards down the side of the building.

WHOOSH! Syn fell right into a great, large net. She just start giggle and slightly rolled to escape, but she had help from a quite attractive man who took her hand as she jumped to the ground. "When can I do that again?" She kept giggling. After all that she has been through, nothing could bother her anymore.
The man just slightly grinned at her, trying not to show his pleasant meeting with Syn. He was much taller than her, and had a face she will never forget. "What's your name?" He asked.
Syn stopped giggling and looked up at the man. "Syn."

"First jumper: SYN. Welcome to dauntless."

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